“Food for Profit” screening at Bi.Pop. of Sferracavallo

“Food for Profit” screening at Bi.Pop. of Sferracavallo
“Food for Profit” screening at Bi.Pop. of Sferracavallo

Friday 28 June at 7.30pm at Bi.Pop. – Bilocale Popolare – in Sferracavallo the documentary “Food for Profit” by Giulia Innocenzi and Pablo D’Ambrosi will be screened. “From the moment of its release, in February this year – say the promoters – it has aroused an enormous outcry which, like a powerful wave, has revealed to most people what perhaps others had already been underlining for some time.

This is an investigation that shows the thread that links the meat industry, lobbies and political power, as well as revealing the level of exploitation of the workforce, even in this sector, as the news of recent days has tragically brought more prominently.

At the center are the billions of euros that Europe allocates to intensive farming, which mistreats animals and brutalises people, pollutes the environment and represents a danger for future pandemics. The documentary, with totally independent production and distribution, has become a cinematic sensation.

After the preview at the European Parliament and several presentations in institutional settings, from the Italian Parliament to the Regional Councils, Food for Profit has triggered a real political debate, around European subsidies for intensive farming and the proximity of some politicians to the food industry meat. The same meat that ends up on most people’s tables.”

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NEXT the animated film from September 5th at the cinema