Centenarians, there are 22,000 in Italy – lasiciliaweb

Centenarians, there are 22,000 in Italy – lasiciliaweb
Centenarians, there are 22,000 in Italy – lasiciliaweb

They are generally female, maintain good social relationships and a healthy diet. Aided by DNA but above all by lifestyles, the centenarians reach a new historical record in our country. As of January 1, 2023, the number of Italians who have blown out more than 100 candles, according to the annual Istat report, is almost 22,000, over 2,000 from the previous year. A number tripled from 2000 to today which now authorizes the term Fifth Age to be cleared through customs. 80% of people who are over a century old are women and their number will continue to grow, driven by a substantial increase in the so-called “old people”.

THE FORECAST FOR 2041. If today the population over 80 is 4.5 million, in 2041 it will exceed 6 million, while that of the over 90s will reach 1.4 million. The super long-lived, according to an Istat report on Centenarians in Italy (June 2022) were also less affected by the mortality from Covid-19 than other sections of the population and live above all in Northern Italy even if it is located in Sardinia, one of the 5 Blue Zones identified as the areas of the world with the longest-lived population: Ogliastra. Exceeding 100 years was a very rare thing before, but it is becoming less and less so.

THE PRECISATION OF GERIATRICS. “This justifies the entry into common use of the term Fifth Age, starting from the age of 90. If the maximum life expectancy does not seem modifiable – explains Niccolò Marchionni, president of the Italian Society of Geriatric Cardiology – equal to about 120 years, we are however increasing the number of subjects who are approaching that limit”. The reasons are both environmental and genetic. “Genes – Marchionni points out – have an impact of no more than 30% while lifestyles weigh the rest. First of all, a Mediterranean diet, low in calories, rich in fruit, vegetables and omega 3. Among the conditions that super centenarians have in common is maintaining social relationships, living at home and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, maintaining continuous moderate physical activity, how to walk”. “The increase in centenarians – adds the president of the Society of Geriatrics Andrea Ungar – demonstrates that, not only is the Italian population ageing, but above all that it ages well because those over one hundred usually, up to at least 85 years of age, have been fully Health”. “Certainly – adds he-he, having so many super longevity can be a great study model for aging”.

THE GUINNESS OF RECORDS IN NUORO. This is what is being done in Perdasdefogu, in the province of Nuoro, a town entered in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to its 8 over 100 out of 1740 inhabitants, one every 250. Here the centenarians have opened their homes to researchers for a scientific project that explores the deep reasons, even psychological, of living a long time. Meanwhile, studies on genes that protect against the typical diseases of aging are proliferating. A study in Nature Aging, conducted by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, has discovered rare protective genetic variants in the DNA of centenarians. A starting point for developing anti-aging drugs, which affect the mechanisms of aging as a whole.

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