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the docufilm of the Altamura charitable and socio-inclusive project –

The Association A.Ma.RAMAPS successfully completed the project “I’m not standing by and watching”an initiative that touched the hearts and minds of the Altamura community, promoting social inclusion and a culture of mutual aid. The primary goal of the project was to create an environment where inclusion and solidarity were at the center of daily activities.

Since its inception, the project has seen enthusiastic participation from local institutions, schools and associations, all united in achieving a noble goal: building a more inclusive and supportive society. “I’m not standing by and watching” kicked off with an inaugural event that involved young people and adults, raising awareness of the entire Altamura community on the issues of volunteering and social inclusion.

One of the most significant aspects of the project was the involvement of the youngest, including the students of the 3rd and 4th classes of the Graphics and Communication course of the Nervi-Galilei Institute of Altamura. In a school-work alternation mode, these kids produced a documentary film that documents the activities carried out during the project showing the various meetings, games and moments of sharing that characterized the charity initiative. The documentary not only represents a visual testimony of the experiences lived, but is also a powerful awareness-raising tool that illustrates the importance of active participation in building a better society.

The project “I don’t stand by and watch” It represents only the first step of a broader path aimed at developing the culture of volunteering and promoting social inclusion by actively participating for a more equal and supportive society.

The positive response from the Altamura community demonstrates that there is a strong will for change and a common desire to build a more inclusive future for all.

The Association A.Ma.RAMAPS expresses profound gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the project and renews its commitment to continue in this direction, with the hope that more and more people will decide to don’t just stand by and watchbut to be an active part of the change.

Monday 1 July 2024


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