A year without Carmine Gonnella — Gazzetta di Salerno

A year without Carmine Gonnella — Gazzetta di Salerno
A year without Carmine Gonnella — Gazzetta di Salerno

“Carmine Gonnella, historical trade unionist of the CGIL, organizational director of Proteo Fare Sapere Campania and in recent years of the socio-cultural association “Di@logo”, he was able to see beyond a new air, a wind of youth that was always inside him. Young because open to the new, to the different, to change. We all have collected his witness of vitality, of pure, honest, loyal energy, to be able to believe first of all in ourselves and then in the idea of ​​a free associationism, outside the box. Our immense thanks still goes to him today, for having been a free man, a man who even in every mild earthly battle has shown us all with dignity that living has a meaning if it leaves its mark and if it passes a baton to others with generosity and passion”.

This is what I wrote a year ago and this is what I feel like repeating to those who knew him and those who did not. Carmine Gonella, known as “the professor”, from Serradarce to Rome, from Salerno to Milan, has sown affection and esteem everywhere, accompanying thousands of young and old in their training, in the continuous search for study and a cultured, high level of professionalism. Every corner of this world recognizes his dedication, listening, patience, humility that only he knew how to condense into that person who will remain unique and unrepeatable. I have shared with him decades of political, trade union, professional, associative but above all human, family commitment, as it should be between true brothers on this earth, secularly united in a continuous comparison, respecting their own and others’ diversity, without ever imposing their own idea but being able to mediate and share paths in life, common goals. Here is perhaps the most important value that Carmine Gonnella shared with all of us close to him, today more than yesterday, was mutual respect with an immense capacity to listen to the needs of others. Our shared experiences have brought us this far and he remains the leader, with his moral principles that guide us in an arduous task, that of responding to the needs of all those who find and will continue to find in us at “Di@logo” a support, a support for choices, for professions, especially scholastic ones but not only, for civil and social commitment in the name of a passion, of that dedication, beyond any self-referential individualism that makes humans social and not just wandering monads without a route. Today in his beloved Serradarce in Campagna, in the Church of Madonna del Buon Consiglio a Holy Mass will be celebrated in his memory at 7:20 pm for those who will be able to share once again a special moment like the many experienced together with him.

Gilda Ricci

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