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over 2 thousand people defrauded by AGM group

over 2 thousand people defrauded by AGM group
over 2 thousand people defrauded by AGM group

They collected the expenses for the feasibility studies and for the fake practices to start the 110% Superbonus but without ever starting a single construction site. Let’s go back to talking about the Amg group of Conegliano, a case that has already ended up at the center of the news due to some reports broadcast on “The news spreads” and for the court’s conviction, dating back to a few days ago, against the general contractor after the lawsuit brought by 50 citizens through Assoutenti who will now have to be compensated. The provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza of Treviso also dealt with the AMG: the yellow flames have ascertained that Amg group of Mogliano Veneto, between 2020 and 2022, defrauded around 2,000 people, residents in Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont, interested in accessing the 110 super construction bonus %, provided for by the so-called “Relaunch Decree”. As many as 368 complaints were presented by Treviso residents, 559 by residents in the province of Venice, 123 by Verona, 102 by Vicenza, 101 by Belluno, 213 by Pordenone, 107 by Udine and 5 by Trieste. Outside the region, 42 from Emilia Romagna, 265 from Lombardy, 12 from Piedmont.

The company presented itself as a “general contractor” capable of following the entire path that would have allowed access to tax breaks (not only super bonuses, but also eco bonuses, facade bonuses, renovation bonuses, earthquake bonuses, etc.) and the investigators at least two types of illicit conduct were ascertained. Firstly, the company proposed itself, by offering a “turnkey” package, as a contact person capable of dealing with the entire practice of building redevelopment works falling within the scope of the concessions, including the execution of the works and the assignment of the related debt credits. tax, guaranteeing the successful completion of the investigation for obtaining the bonus. In reality, after having received the fee for the feasibility study of the works, the promoted services were not provided, preventing customers from obtaining the tax benefits required by law. Secondly, it emphasized the transfer of the accrued tax credit as the “only form of payment”, to be supported exclusively at the end of the redevelopment works, failing, however, to inform the victims that the restitution of the sum of money paid in advance for the The start of the feasibility investigation, ranging between 300 and 2,500 euros, would only take place once the redevelopment works were completed.

The investigations of the Treviso Group’s financial police, who interviewed approximately 350 customers and searched the headquarters of the “general contractor”, as well as the homes of the directors and sales agents, demonstrated the fraudulent conduct of the Treviso company, which in reality never started a single job. The total amount of the fraud was approximately 2 million euros, equal to the amounts paid by customers for the feasibility studies. The company, which was also the recipient of a sanctioning measure by the Competition and Market Authority for unfair commercial practices, is currently insolvent, due to the illicit behavior of the directors who aggravated its insolvency. The two directors who managed the company over time, therefore, were reported to the Treviso Public Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of fraud. The intervention of the Guardia di Finanza of Treviso, which was possible also thanks to the active collaboration of the victims, who filed numerous complaints and reports with the departments of the Northern Italy Corps, allowed to shed light on the deceptive ways in which the company operated, intervening to protect citizens, honest economic operators and the market.

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