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School dropout, Naples Prefecture starts monitoring

School dropout, Naples Prefecture starts monitoring
School dropout, Naples Prefecture starts monitoring

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As part of the inter-institutional social prevention initiatives, aimed at protecting minors and raising the level of integrated security in the area, the systematic monitoring of school dropout by the institutions continues.

To take over the obligations relating to the supervision of compulsory education, most recently envisaged by the Caivano decree, the Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, in agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office for minors of Naples and the Regional School Office of Campania, at The outcome of the end-of-school-year ballots and the procedures put in place to implement the Caivano decree will start a monitoring aimed at collecting data relating to warnings and reports of students in breach of school obligations by the mayors, based on the reports of the managers schools.

The activity, set up in this way, – it should be noted – will return an overall picture, distinguished by territorial areas, which will be the subject of a joint analysis with all the actors involved, useful for planning new and targeted corrective and preventive interventions on the phenomenon.

Furthermore, the sea control services, ordered by the prefect of Bari, within the Provincial Committee for public order and safety, continue through the Port Authority of Naples, the police forces, in particular the Roan of the Guardia di Finanza, and the Metropolitan Police of Naples.

A few hours ago, during joint patrolling activities by the Coast Guard and the Metropolitan Police, a damaged and sinking boat was spotted near the Gaiola bay in Marechiaro and the Trentaremi bay near Nisida, in a small inlet overlooking the area prohibited to the passage of boats. The patrol boats identified the damaged pilot boat, which was gradually sinking, and, promptly with the intervention of the Metropolitan Police dinghy, the four pleasure boaters who occupied the boat were rescued. The Coast Guard immediately picked up the 4 people, escorting them to the port and. from there, to the hospital for routine checks.

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