Martini in the Region instead of Bugetti Il Tirreno

Martini in the Region instead of Bugetti Il Tirreno
Martini in the Region instead of Bugetti Il Tirreno

PRATO. Marco Martini, 71, former mayor of Poggio a Caiano, will be the new regional councilor of the provincial district of Prato. The act of subrogation, which will be ratified by the Regional Council in the session of July 9, comes after the resignation of councilor Nicola Ciolini. Ciolini, the first of the non-elected Pd in ​​the 2020 regional elections, had replaced Ilaria Bugetti following the latter’s election as mayor of Prato. Martini, a member of the Regional Directorate of the Democratic Party, is currently treasurer and legal representative of the Prato Pd.

“I will face this new experience – he says – with a great spirit of service towards the citizens and institutions of Tuscany. Even if the legislature is coming to an end, I intend to put all my efforts into the role of regional councilor and from now on I am available to the territory and the district. In the next few hours I will meet with Mayor Bugetti to take stock of the open dossiers, I will do the same in the next few days with all the mayors of the province. For me it is a great honor to represent the territory of Prato, a task that I intend to carry out with extreme responsibility”.
“Martini – emphasizes Marco Biagioni, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party – will be able to best represent our territory. Even though there are only a few months left until the end of the legislature, Marco will certainly be a strong point of reference for our communities. Once again, the Democratic Party demonstrates that it has a first-rate ruling class at its disposal, ready to take on roles of responsibility at any time. I wish Marco all the best in his work”.

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