The charge is road homicide, Scortichino mourns his Omar La Nuova Ferrara

The charge is road homicide, Scortichino mourns his Omar La Nuova Ferrara
The charge is road homicide, Scortichino mourns his Omar La Nuova Ferrara

Scortichino “It’s still very serious, but he’s fighting and we’re all praying for him.” These are the words of the future wife of Marouane Baba29 years old Gavellohospitalized in desperate conditions atMajor Hospital of Bologna after the accident on Friday evening. For reasons under investigation by the police, the 29-year-old first ran over and killed Omar Wakib, 19 years old, who was traveling on the road to Scortichino on his bicycle and then ended up off the road, crashing into the garden of a house. “We are all suffering from what happened, every day we come here to Bologna and wait for news”, continues the woman.

Meanwhile, the public prosecutor on duty Andrea Maggioni has opened an investigation file for road homicide. The finger would be pointed especially at the high speed on a road that has always been very dangerous also because it is narrow and not lit. The dynamics seem quite clear, with the Carabinieri of Cento who have carried out all the investigations.

The accident On Friday evening, Omar Wakib met up with his usual group of friends in the centre of Scortichino. Together they decided to spend the evening at Bondeno. Omar was the only adult in the group (four kids in total) and he doesn’t have a car. So they got on their bikes and headed for Scortichino. A few kilometers from the town, the crash. Marouane Baba was driving his Audi when he found himself in front of the kids. He could do nothing to avoid the 19-year-old, who was killed instantly. The others, however, managed to throw themselves off the slope and were saved. The 29-year-old ended up in the countryside, trapped in the wreckage of the car. Airlifted to the Maggiore hospital in Bologna, he is in very serious conditions in the intensive care unit.

In shock Omar Wakib’s friends are shocked, they don’t want to talk and they still can’t understand what happened. It wasn’t the first time they traveled by bike and what was supposed to be a “different” evening turned into a tragedy.

In Scortichino the atmosphere is heavy. The boy who was hit was well known, having grown up in the town. “We have pointed out several times that the provincial road is dangerous – say the residents -. We know very well that people go fast and must not do so. But in the end the ones who lose out are always those who respect the rules. We are afraid for our children and grandchildren, who walk and ride bikes, but even for us elderly people it is difficult to get around”.

An autopsy will almost certainly be carried out on the 19-year-old’s body, while all tests were carried out on the 29-year-old, as per practice, to rule out the possibility that he might have been driving after drinking or using drugs. The next few days will therefore be crucial. Meanwhile, the doctors will be able to give more answers to the family, having a more complete clinical picture and the authorization for Wakib’s funeral could also arrive, which will most likely be celebrated with an Islamic rite in Bondeno. L


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