record deliveries are expected in 2024 |


The trade sector is undoubtedly one of those that has undergone the greatest transformations with the introduction of new digital technologies. The exponential growth of e-commerce is, in fact, there for all to see and also concerns our country and our region. According to estimates by Confesercentiin fact, in 2024 an impressive rate of 132 online deliveries per second is expected in Campania alone, a phenomenon that reflects, even in this specific geographical area, a growing consumer preference for online shopping, fueled by the convenience and accessibility offered by digital platforms. Let’s take stock of the situation.

The e-commerce boom: a new scenario for Campania commerce

The digital revolution is therefore redesigning the Italian and Campania commercial landscape. In fact, forecasts for 2024 indicate that online purchases will continue to grow by 13%, reaching 734 million shipments nationwide, of which over 69 million in Campania alone, which is equivalent to nearly 84,000 parcels delivered every hour in Italy.

Il weight of online sales on trade it is therefore evident and opens up various reflections both on the technological evolution of the tools at our disposal and on the topic of changing consumer habits, who are increasingly inclined to prefer digital channels for many of the activities carried out on a daily basis. Just think of the rapid growth not only of e-commerce, but also of other sectors such as online entertainment, where numerous platforms have established themselves that allow, for example, watching films and TV series or playing online and learning more about , both with guides and directly on the table, the rules and methods of calculating poker points, also comparing themselves with the most expert players.

This growing use of the web has translated into interesting opportunities for both users and operatorsready to provide increasingly efficient and advantageous services, and this is precisely one of the elements that has allowed us to encourage the growth trend of e-commerce.

The impact on the local economy

Il boom dell’e-commerce is generating significant opportunities for Campania, while also opening up some interesting challenges for the local economy. The growth of online deliveries has in fact created new job opportunities in the logistics sector and deliveries and many small businesses in Campania are in turn taking advantage of online platforms to expand their reach and reach new customers, overcoming geographical limitations. In addition to the many new commercial activities that have arisen exclusively on the web, there are more and more existing ones that are trying to convert to digital, adding this method to traditional sales systems.

Despite the impressive growth of e-commerce, the presence of physical stores remains crucial for the economic fabric. Campania has registered a decrease in traditional commercial activities, with a negative balance of 1,225 assets in the first quarter of 2024, and this must make us reflect on the need to support both channels, ensuring that our streets do not lose the traditional liveliness of small independent shops. In this sense, the possibility of adapting business models, combining in-store sales with online solutions to offer an integrated shopping experience, may be the right way to keep up with the times and not waste the work done over the years.

New opportunities for local shops

The adoption of e-commerce technology and strategies therefore represents a great opportunity for neighborhood shops. Many local merchants are already leveraging digital platforms, both owned sites and third-party marketplaces, to improve their visibility and offer additional services such as home delivery, and this adaptation is allowing many small shops to compete more effectively and find new ways to serve their customers.

In this dynamic context, however, it is essential that the local and national institutions provide support to facilitate the transition of small businesses to digital. Targeted policies could include, for example, incentives for the adoption of digital technologies, training for merchants on online sales strategies and measures to ensure fair competition between physical stores and e-commerce platforms.

The growth of e-commerce in Campania represents, in other words, a significant shift that offers many opportunities, a crucial moment for local businesses, which must adapt and innovate to thrive in this new landscape. It is precisely the combination of physical and digital commerce that can create a stronger and more resilient commercial ecosystem, capable of meeting the needs of modern consumers while maintaining the connection with the local community.

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