Trapani, water shifts change due to the water crisis » TAMTAM TV

Trapani, water shifts change due to the water crisis » TAMTAM TV
Trapani, water shifts change due to the water crisis » TAMTAM TV

Water shifts are changing due to the drought emergency in Sicily which is also starting to show serious critical issues in the Trapani area and in the capital city. For months Siciliacque has not ensured water supplies in Trapani which last year reached almost 100 liters per second.

«Added to this is the doubling of the summer population thanks to tourist flows. In relation to this, it is also necessary to deal with persistent structural problems in the historic center with homes (many of which have been transformed into B&Bs) without sufficient storage containers and therefore dependent on the consistency of supply, albeit on alternate days. – he adds -. Pending the desired positive outcome on the strengthening of withdrawal actions from municipal wells, distribution shifts must be changed and therefore tomorrow – 1 July 2024 – no water will be distributed to allow sufficient accumulation to guarantee supply on 2 July to all users in the historic center and to follow, subject to verification, on 3 July to new Trapani. The distribution shift will follow the following calendar: accumulation on Monday, distribution in the historic center on Tuesday. Based on the arrivals from Bresciana (we are working on the restoration of another 5 wells), a statement on distribution in the new Trapani area will be issued on Tuesday.”

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