Twenty years of Casa Alessia between music, solidarity and a new project in Burundi

Twenty years of Casa Alessia between music, solidarity and a new project in Burundi
Twenty years of Casa Alessia between music, solidarity and a new project in Burundi

Twenty years ago the plane crash involving the seventeen-year-old student Alessia Mairati and the mother Paola DiGregorio. From the tragedy of July 2, 2004, which affected the entire Novara community, a dream was born with very solid legs: to realize what the girl had in her heart and confided to her family by corresponding by email. From then until today, the tireless hands of his father, Giovanni Mairati, and hundreds of volunteers have transformed the dream into reality with the Casa Alessia association, with works on four continents in favor of the most vulnerable, especially children.

To remember Alessia and Paola, a series of initiatives has been organised, including presentations and shows, which will start tomorrow, Tuesday 2 Julyat 9pm inauditorium of the Sisters of Charity in via Solferino in Novara. For the occasion, the new edition of the novel will be presented “Alessia’s Dream”, enriched with multimedia content. Starting from current events, the book focuses on the search for the substance of the young woman’s dreams and soul. Alessia’s father and president of the association will also be present at the evening. Further meetings in the area are scheduled between summer and autumn, such as in Cerano and Romentino as well as those around Italy, where there are groups of volunteers linked to the organisation.

It will be staged in September and December “In the footsteps of the Good News”, a representation between narratives and music which, starting from an original text by Gianni Dal Bello, will tell the story of the birth of Fabrizio De Andrè’s work of the same name. Work also inspired at the time by the young Novara priest Don Carlo

Scaciga which will see the participation of the Schola Cantorum San Gregorio Magno of Trecate directed by maestro Mauro Trombetta.

In November the traditional appointment with “Concert for Alessia” at the Teatro Coccia, which has been taking place since 2005 between music and images, to tell the story of the evolution of the dream and the projects in the implementation phase.

«Between autumn and winter – says Giovanni Mairati – we will return to Burundi for the executive inspections of the project expansion of the Ecole Maternelle of Buterere, near the capital. Born as a kindergarten, over the years it has welcomed more and more classes and now we will have to build the second floor to allow over 400 students to complete the entire school cycle. As I always say, today more than ever, Casa Alessia is here!»

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