“Mugello will thus remain isolated”

“Mugello will thus remain isolated”
“Mugello will thus remain isolated”

Many joined. All the mayors of Mugello, Alto Mugello, Val di Sieve, but also those of Romagna of Brisighella and Faenza. Only the one in Florence is missing. Everyone expresses grave concern about the closure of the Faentina railway for the entire route, from Florence to Faenza, in August, from 8th to 1st September. The reason? Modernization works, a major investment of 140 million euros, financed by the Pnrr and with fixed deadlines. But almost a month without the railway is a major disservice. Also because it adds up to another heavy closure, that of via Bolognese, which connects Mugello to Florence. Here the block depends on important works planned by Publiacqua, for the reconstruction of the aqueduct.

Thus, in August, a situation will be created that has never occurred before. No rail connection and blocking of the main access road to the city. With cars and buses that to reach Florence will have to take the 302 Faentina road, also in very bad condition, or go via the highway.

And Mugello residents who want to go to Florence by rail will have to use trains directed towards Pontassieve, with travel times doubled. This was recalled by the mayors of the Mugello area, Valdisieve and the territories of the Faentina railway line, signatories of the document, who say they are “waiting for the call for the meeting, which we know has been set for 3 July by the regional councilor for roads and transport, Stefano Baccelli”.

“The closure of the Faentina railway line in conjunction with the closure of the road section of Via Bolognese – write the mayors – will create great inconveniences, remembering that the other section connecting with Florence, the Faentina 302, has two construction sites underway and a narrowing of roadway with traffic lights. Furthermore, the railway line via Pontassieve presents problems relating to sudden cancellations of trains, continuous delays and inconveniences due to problems linked to obsolete rolling stock and infrastructure”. The mayors of Barberino di Mugello, Borgo San Lorenzo, Brisighella, Dicomano, Faenza, Firenzuola, Londa, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio, Pelago, Pontassieve, Rufina, San Godenzo, Scarperia and San Piero, Vaglia, Vicchio point this out: “The the time in which August emptied the cities and filled the holiday resorts has been over for decades. The workers continue to move to get to work even in this month”. And they conclude: “We are concerned and united in the discomfort that the population of Mugello is experiencing.”

Paolo Guidotti

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