Environment and society, the most “fragile” municipalities in Calabria

Environment and society, the most “fragile” municipalities in Calabria
Environment and society, the most “fragile” municipalities in Calabria

ROMA There are 1,300 municipalities with high fragility, equal to 16.1% of the total: these municipalities are the ones where the environmental, social and economic criticalities measured by Istat in the latest edition of the “Municipal fragility index” anticipated in the Institute’s annual report are most concentrated. This is what “Il Sole 24 Ore” writes. The synthetic index photographs 12 parameters on a municipal basis including employment, education levels, migratory balance, landslide risk, land consumption, motorization rate. From the synthesis – continues “Il Sole 24 Ore” – risk and marginality factors emerge determined by geomorphological and infrastructural characteristics or conditions of weakness of human capital and low density of the entrepreneurial fabric. The new edition of the Index, taken on data referring to 2021, confirms the significant and persistent gap between the territories of the North and those of the South. In the South, 40% of the municipalities and 24% of the population fall into the two classes most at risk. The most critical values ​​– claims “Il Sole 24 Ore” – affect to a greater extent the municipalities of Calabria (63.9%) and Sicily (55.9%), followed by Sardinia and Campania.

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