Avellino, evolutionary workshops at the Paoline bookshop

Avellino, evolutionary workshops at the Paoline bookshop
Avellino, evolutionary workshops at the Paoline bookshop

In recent years a lethal virus has invaded our land, a virus that kills slowly: in the last five years in Italy more than 2300 bookstores have died and with them (even if not everyone has perceived it) dreams and freedom of thought have died. And yet, especially in small communities and thanks to some subversives, these places are starting to breathe again, or at least they are trying. Bookstores have been depopulated over the years and yet in several towns they are taking on a central role again, a healthy meeting place where you can let your mind breathe, re-educate yourself to reading and above all slow down your pace by stopping to talk and meet face to face.

This is how in the Irpinia capital, the historic Paoline bookshop, which is heroically resisting the crisis, has opened its doors to a series of Evolutionary workshops.

In the first meeting held on Friday, June 28, Dr. Donatella De Bartolomeis, naturopath pursuant to law 4/2013, researcher and author of several texts including “Change your words to change your life” Il Papavero editions, involved readers in a debate on the “alchemical power of words” involving them in examples and experiences to discover how the words spoken or heard change our unconscious and our vibrational frequency. Great participation and enthusiasm.

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