New General Director Cagliari: Stefano Melis appointed. The OFFICIAL press release

New General Director Cagliari: Stefano Melis appointed. The OFFICIAL press release
New General Director Cagliari: Stefano Melis appointed. The OFFICIAL press release

New General Manager Cagliari: Stefano Melis appointed. The official press release from the rossoblù club

Il Cagliari announces the appointment of Stefano Melis as General Manager. The press release and his statements:

PRESS RELEASE«Cagliari Calcio has ratified the appointment of Stefano Melis as General Director of the Club, starting from 1 July 2024. He will continue to lead the business and media area of ​​Cagliari Calcio on a broad spectrum, one of the three – together with the corporate and the sporting one – which make up the rossoblù corporate structure”

PAROLE«I welcome this appointment with great gratitude and a sense of responsibility towards the president and all my colleagues. I am convinced that it is a further push to look forward with an overall vision, continuing to develop what we started a year and a half ago by structuring ourselves into three areas well defined and with precise skills. The synergy with Carlo Catte and Nereo Bonato, together with their respective working groups, continues to represent the fundamental cornerstone for aiming for the next goals, above all to give ever more value to Cagliari Calcio and everything it represents for Sardinia and the Sardinians in the world”

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