Fasiolo visits the prison • Il Goriziano

Fasiolo visits the prison • Il Goriziano
Fasiolo visits the prison • Il Goriziano

The regional councilor of the Democratic Party, Laura Fasiolovisited the Bigazzi prison in Gorizia yesterday morning following theattack which saw an inmate injure six prison police officers. The event highlighted the critical issues of the structure and prompted the centre-left exponent to ask to carry out an inspection of the structure. “I am here to express my solidarity with the penitentiary police officers who risked their lives to sedate the person responsible for the gesture, now transferred to a prison in Veneto”, declared the dem.

«This episode – he underlines – underlines how important it is that detention never neglects the psychological pathologies of prisoners. We must not wait for tragedies such as attacks or suicides to shine a spotlight on these situations.” During her visit, the councilor had the opportunity to speak with various prisoners, including those included in the sex offender section, noting their conditions. The cells are overcrowded, recording more than 90 entries in the last 6 months in a structure designed for approximately 60/65 people.

This situation is further aggravated due to the physical and mental pathologies of the prisoners, as well as the overload of work and the serious insufficiency of the surveillance staff. «I wanted to experience first-hand the living conditions of prisoners behind bars and hear directly from them about the problems they face every day – explained Fasiolo – Three part-time psychologists are not enough, nor the only educator or the cultural mediator, an Afghan boy who works here for 20 hours a month.”

For the Democratic Party representative, “a network of collaborations with Asugi is needed, a doctor present 24 hours a day and a psychiatrist who intervenes promptly. Today this promptness is non-existent”. The councilor underlined the importance of volunteering, but also reiterated that the small number of new prison officers – only three winners of the competition – is a drop in the ocean compared to the real needs. “Why aren’t they activated the security rooms at the police headquarters, of the Police or Finance for so-called minor crimes, with possible suspension of the sentence? This would greatly lighten the burden on prison operators and the flow of presences».

Another critical issue touched upon by Fasiolo concerns the lack of structural and improvement interventions required for some time for the area of ​​via Barzellini. «I asked the Region for interventions in favor of the prison, aimed at installing the lift and the goods lift, as well as adapting the safety and healthiness of the environments», he explained. «The announcement of the rejection of these requests was disappointing, with the justification that it was the State’s responsibility. But the principle of loyal collaboration between public administrations must apply to everyone.”

The councilor then proposed an agreement between the Region and the Ministry of Justice to define criteria and methods of participation in the implementation of the necessary interventions, to which spending of 200 thousand euros will be allocated for 2023. «I will remodel the request and will continue to ask for as long as we wait the restructuring of the Pitteri school with the expansion and modernization of the prison”, he concluded.

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