Stefano Borile promises meticulous opposition to Zeggio

Stefano Borile promises meticulous opposition to Zeggio
Stefano Borile promises meticulous opposition to Zeggio

LENDINARA (Rovigo) – The day after the installation of the new city council (READ ARTICLE), Stefano Borilewho worked to create an alternative list to “Valori in comune”, explains his meticulous statements “On the method”, he expressed during the first convocation of the municipal council of the Zeggio era.

Borile specifies: “Last night, respecting the rituality of the procedures, I expressed my disappointment at the fact that a citizen who is no longer mayor took the floor. It is true that there can be municipal councils open to citizens, but this must be requested in advance by at least four councilors and subjected to examination by the group leaders. Thus it was not violating the possibility of disagreeing, even if personally I would have said yes.” It’s a question of method and respect that Borile dismisses with a joke: “What happened was a farce”.

The abstention on the election of the prime minister is argued as follows: “If his name had been submitted to us in advance we would not have said no, because Marinelli is young, a respectable and moderate person, with whom I gladly shook hands and congratulated him, but once again it is a question of method”. Among other things, Borile revealed a background story on the subject: “Over a month ago we met with Louis Viaro (Zeggio’s much-mentioned political consultant) to find a name that would be good for everyone. I’ll go further, Viaro put forward the idea of ​​assigning the presidency of the council to a member of the opposition, to start a new institutional collaboration. An idea that suits us especially at the provincial level where Forza Italia represents the more moderate wing of the center-right”.

For the record Borile collaborates with Andrea Bimbatti of FI in Polaris (Polesana Azienda Rifiuti Speciali Srl). Indeed of Viaro he says: “Unfortunately Gigi is a wasted resourceis a man who, due to his passion for politics and his demonstrated ability, deserves to reach the Region or higher levels but, despite the support of the Democratic Party for the Province, he was rejected by the League and some of its members”.

Regarding the appointments to the Institutions, another point of friction in the Council (especially the Rest Home and the Ballarin Theatre), Borile says: “It is true that they are up to the mayor, but they should be submitted to the scrutiny of the city council, if only to ensure a plurality of voices in the various bodies. This is why I asked to postpone the topic to the next council to evaluate the possibility of returning to the appointments of the city council, receiving a specious no”although, he admits “The mayor is not required to give institutional roles to the opposition”.

With these premises Lendinara’s opposition council promises institutional battlefor example, will not accept roles as vice president in the commissions and will not guarantee a quorum in the council commissions and will do the same in the city council. Indeed, he explained that the composition of the three minority council groups “…fall under a single political coordination”, functional to complicating life for the majority.

According to Borile, Francesca Zeggio’s dream of becoming mayor, which she has nurtured since she was a child, could turn into a nightmare.

Ugo Mariano Brasioli

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