a wish and a 9mm bullet, Torricelli’s name pops up

a wish and a 9mm bullet, Torricelli’s name pops up
a wish and a 9mm bullet, Torricelli’s name pops up

Double stamp, but without cancellation. So probably the package, a yellow envelope, was delivered by hand. Inside a sheet with a single sentence and three people in the crosshairs: not only the parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, Claudio Stefanazzi, the recipient, and the regional councilor Alessandro Delli Nuts. But also, as represented in the police at the headquarters of complaint, Anthony Torricelli involved in the electoral campaign in support of Carlo Salvemini but not a candidate (his son was).

On the threats intended for you politiciansin the particularly tense climate of the Lecce electoral campaign, a game that ended in two rounds with a not very clear result for the winners, an investigation has been opened that is currently proceeding against unknown persons. The Digos of the Lecce police headquarters is dealing with it, with the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office. The seizure was validated by the prosecutor Luigi Mastroniani.

The content

“Buone elezioni + Torricelli + Delli Noci” is written with a normograph and black ink on which the investigative insights revolve. And then a short 9mm caliber bullet, a “Gfl 380 auto”. On the envelope a sender written in clear that would appear not to exist and to be domiciled in a street that is not present in the street directory of the city (in the North) indicated. The zip code reported is not the correct one.
The episode was reported on Thursday, June 27 (but the discovery dates back to Tuesday), five days after the runoff. But it is not clear when the delivery took place. If it was before or after the two-person challenge. And how it actually happened, considering the absence of the postmark.
The investigations are moving forward quickly. They start, as always happens in these cases, with the acquisition of the video surveillance footage from the home of Deputy Stefanazzi, where the letter was delivered. Then they try to understand the motive, which is usually the starting point for identifying those responsible. Who had an interest in threatening the three politicians? And for what reason?
These are the questions that investigators will now have to answer, as they begin by analyzing what they seized. The A4 sheet, folded in three parts, to determine whether there are fingerprints other than those of the recipient. The short 9mm caliber bullet that also bears the brand engraved on the bottom.
As mentioned, the first to report was the parliamentarian, who immediately went to the police station to deliver the package and to file a formal complaint. Once he learned that his name was in the letter, the regional councilor Alessandro Delli Noci also went to Viale Otranto to formalize the complaint. From what we learn, both reported that they were not clear about the origin. They could not explain who the real sender might be. The story was however framed in a political – electoral context. Not only because the three exponents who were mentioned were in any case involved in the consultations, in support of the mayoral candidate Carlo Salvemini.
Everyone gave their all, both in the first round, with the various lists of the centre-left coalition, and in the run-off, won by a (very small) handful of votes.

The climate

There is no doubt that the atmosphere has become heavy, considering what has happened. The hope is that some element may emerge from the analysis of the videos and the cross-referencing of the data. The issue is not underestimated by the investigators, nor at an institutional level, regardless of political color. And while the Digos and the men of the police headquarters are looking for a solution to the case, to provide a clear reading of what happened, in the prefecture the issue has already been addressed in an ordinary committee for public order and safety and will be discussed again next Saturday – as announced by the new mayor Adriana Poli Bortone who immediately expressed her solidarity to the protagonists – in the presence of the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi.
What happened next was not a second thought: the former councilor of the outgoing government, Fabiana Cicirillo, received a letter at home – an episode unrelated to the others, but similar – also containing an unpleasant, veiled threatening phrase. If the facts cannot be considered connected from an investigative point of view at the moment, they will necessarily have to be read in an overall perspective from an institutional point of view. As pieces of the same emergency.


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Daily Newspaper of Puglia

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