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Cooperative investigation, house arrest revoked for Soumahoro wife and mother-in-law

Cooperative investigation, house arrest revoked for Soumahoro wife and mother-in-law
Cooperative investigation, house arrest revoked for Soumahoro wife and mother-in-law

House arrest revoked for the wife and mother-in-law of MP Aboubakar Soumahoro. The Court of Latina, in the context of the trial on cooperatives involved in the management of asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors, has decided to accept the defense lawyers’ request as there are no precautionary needs against the defendants. The judge therefore revoked house arrest and ordered the obligation to sign for Liliane Murekatete, the MP’s wife, and her mother-in-law Marie Therese Mukamatsindo. The obligation to remain at home was also revoked for the brother-in-law Michel Rukundo.

Charges of fraud, bankruptcy and self-laundering

The panel that released Soumahoro’s wife is the same as the Latina court before which the trial of the cooperatives involved in the management of asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors is underway. The charges contested for various reasons and depending on the positions are fraud in public supplies, fraudulent bankruptcy of assets (due to distraction) and self-laundering. The wife, mother-in-law and brother-in-law of Aboubakar Soumahoro, elected with the Verdi-Left Alliance and now in the Mixed group, were sent to trial at the beginning of April by the investigating judge of the Latina court, Giulia Paolini, who had accepted the requests of the prosecutor Giuseppe Milian. The three are under investigation as part of the investigation by the Latina prosecutor’s office into the management of public funds provided by the Karibu coop and the Aid consortium.

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Soumahoro’s wife, mother-in-law and brothers-in-law have been sent to trial

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