Via Balzarini, other families have asked to leave – Teramo

Via Balzarini, other families have asked to leave – Teramo
Via Balzarini, other families have asked to leave – Teramo

TERAMO. The 5 Star Movement of Teramo, in a note signed by the municipal councilor Gianni Calandrini and by the territorial group representative Guido Palantranireturns to the case of the Ater tenants displaced by the earthquake hosted in the buildings on via Balzarini, starting with the hot issue: «Lack of shutters, blackout windows, any shading device. Soon, for the third consecutive summer, the rooms most exposed to the south will be transformed into ovens, with great suffering for everyone, but in particular for the “weak”, elderly and sick. However, there is another “hot” issue to mention: the chapter on condominium expenses, on which everything seems to be silent. And the silence of the Ater technical offices in reference to the requests of the lawyer Sarchese for a precise distribution of expenses, does not bode well».
The 5 Star note continues: «Nothing new under the summer sun then? But yes, something has moved. In recent months, six families have been relocated. Why only six, if the lawyer had asked for everyone to be moved, given the numerous and unsolvable critical issues? Why were these families moved? Could it be that we in the M5S were right in saying that those buildings could not be assigned as they were and are? In the joy of a solution found for some families, some doubts torment us. In fact, we would like to understand how the six families were selected. We hope for a clarification from the top management of the organization in a short time. We will continue to be strict observers.”
The president of Ater Maria Ceciwhose mandate has expired and who together with the board of directors operates under a prorogatio regime, replies as follows: “We have given the opportunity to move to all the tenants of via Balzarini, there was a meeting and then an investigation was started that reached the board. Those who made the request first have already been transferred, now we are evaluating the transfer of additional families who have made requests in the meantime. But I also understand that some families do not want to be transferred”.
As for the condominium utilities to be paid, Ceci states: «There are management actions that have determined them, and they are treated as in other condominiums. It is not possible, in via Balzarini, to think that you owe nothing.”

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