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Sola’s complaint (M5s): “Health shelter in collapse”

Sola’s complaint (M5s): “Health shelter in collapse”
Sola’s complaint (M5s): “Health shelter in collapse”

The ASL health kennel is in disastrous conditions, due to overcrowding. This was stated by the group leader in the municipal council of the M5s Paolo Sola, who carried out an inspection of the structure in the Sacco plain in Città Sant’Angelo:

English: “What I found is a critical situation of overcrowding in a facility that should have the purpose of offering temporary shelter and care to our four-legged friends who are injured, in difficulty or recovered on the territory before reintroducing them into the territory or into authorized facilities and which, instead, finds itself dealing with a number of animals well above its operational and logistical capacity, and this is mainly due to the total disinterest of many Municipalities, first and foremost that of Pescara, which in fact have literally abandoned their own dogs there for months. “The reference is to some of the guests of the facility, present since December 2023, subject to waivers of ownership that the Municipality of Pescara does not intend to formalize, effectively refusing to take charge of their situation, probably also due to the lack of its own municipal shelter where to place them, after the decision in recent months to close the kennel in via Raiale:

“We had shouted out loud that the irrational choice to close the shelter in our city would have led to a series of dramatic consequences and now we find ourselves in a collapsing situation, with a structure where dogs should pass by law for the shortest time possible , which instead finds itself acting as a real warehouse for those animals that our Municipality has deliberately chosen to ignore. A situation that puts the health and well-being of these dogs, closed for months 24 hours a day in covered boxes, at risk. and without any possibility of escape or interaction, subjected to stress caused by living in overcrowded spaces which is starting to manifest itself with episodes of illness and aggressive behavior and which risks causing irreversible trauma and behavioral problems in them.”

The five-star councilor concludes:

“A situation which also compromises the effectiveness of the rescue activities that the health shelter is able to offer, not being able to count on perpetually occupied spaces and accommodation. Even the collaboration of the associations, which try to facilitate adoptions as much as possible, does not can resolve a structurally compromised situation. After the battle to try to prevent the closure of the kennel in Via Raiale, we will forcefully return to address the various aspects of this emergency, first of all asking that the Municipality of Pescara assume responsibility for animals that, in fact, are owned by the mayor and, subsequently, that serious information and awareness campaigns on issues such as sterilization and conscious adoption finally begin, without forgetting the absolute urgency of creating a new shelter for our city”.

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