The national leader of Cisl Luigi Sbarra in Matera: appointment Thursday 4 July

The national leader of Cisl Luigi Sbarra in Matera: appointment Thursday 4 July
The national leader of Cisl Luigi Sbarra in Matera: appointment Thursday 4 July

All set for the general council of the Cisl Basilicata that will be held on Thursday 4 July, starting at 9.30, at the Matera Hotel, in Borgo Venusio, in the presence of the national leader Luigi Sbarra. The works will be introduced, as usual, by the report of the general secretary Vincenzo Cavallo who will take stock of the situation at the end of the long electoral cycle that saw the regional elections take place in a few months, then the election day with European and administrative elections. Of particular concern is the data on the decline in citizen participation at the polls: “The recent data on the turnout in regional, European and administrative elections tell us that in the country there is a clear disconnect between institutions and citizens, between supply and demand for politics”, observes Cavallo who also underlines the urgency of re-establishing dialogue between political forces and social forces. It is no coincidence that the meeting of the highest democratic body of the Cisl will serve to relaunch the contents of the document entitled “The time of courage”, presented to the candidates in the last regional elections, as a basis for starting the discussion with the future Regional Council. “There is no time to waste and there are no flags to put up: I ask the political forces of the majority to go beyond their own backyard and imagine a larger field, open to the participation of the social parties and civil society, to address the serious emergencies that are gripping our region, starting with the drought that is putting the stability of the agricultural and livestock sector to the test. Starting again with the politics of the balance and tactics would mean not having understood the message that the voters have delivered to the political forces by deserting the polls”. Eyes focused above all on the internal areas: “It is time to reopen the spotlight on the future of our internal areas which means dealing first of all with how to guarantee essential services, from health to education, in small communities struggling with structural phenomena of depopulation and impoverishment, both of the economic fabric and of the presence of public institutions”. According to the secretary of the Cisl Lucana “we must avoid the prospect of a stagnation without an outlet” and not give in to resignation and fatalism. Hence the need for a social pact capable of promoting a long-term vision of development. In the afternoon, again at the Matera Hotel, the general council of Fai Cisl Basilicata will be held, which will be called to elect the new general secretary after almost two years of regency by the national secretary Raffaella Buonaguro following the premature death of the secretary Giuseppe Romano. For the occasion, the general secretary of the national Fai Cisl Onofrio Rota will be in the City of the Sassi.

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