In Friuli the 65th edition of the Gift Festival

In Friuli the 65th edition of the Gift Festival
In Friuli the 65th edition of the Gift Festival

It took place today 65th edition of the Gift Festivalorganized by the Teor section of the Friulian Blood Donors Association, at also present was the President of the Regional Council Mauro Bordin and the Health Councillor Riccardo Riccardi.

As we had the opportunity to tell the Holy Father some time ago, Friuli Venezia Giulia boasts the highest number of volunteers compared to the resident population – commented the Health Councillor Riccardo Riccardi – . A situation that is certainly the result of the history of this territory that has faced very serious tragedies with great courage. We must be extremely grateful towards these people involved in civil protection activities and in the world of associations as the Friulian Blood Donors Association has been doing for 65 years with merit and selflessness”.

“In this historical period characterized by wars and international tensions – urged Riccardi -, we must carefully cultivate the value of the anonymous and free gift, almost always aimed at ensuring better living conditions for the people most in need”.

“With the average age continuing to advance and the birth rate constantly declining, volunteering – he added – represents a true pillar in the fight against the disease of loneliness, pockets of poverty, and widespread fragility even in small communities”.

“These phenomena are aggravated by technology, which if used exclusively in relationships between people would become an obstacle to socialization every day. Also for this reason we must thank the Afds volunteers who – concluded the councilor – fight with dynamism and stubbornness for the good of our community and to ensure that no one is left alone”.

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