Emergency Days closes with Patrick Zaki

Emergency Days closes with Patrick Zaki
Emergency Days closes with Patrick Zaki

The fourteenth edition of Emergency Days Ferrara officially closes today, Saturday 29 June, an event organized at the Il Parco social center in via Canapa 4, but on this occasion there will also be meetings, music, food and activities for adults and children.

Specifically, the last day of the Emergency Days will see a double public meeting: from 7 pm Pasquale Pugliese (Nonviolent Movement), Paola Feo (director of the coordination of volunteers of Emergency) and the researcher Valentina Bartolucci will address the difficulties of speaking out against wars in this historical moment and will do so in the debate entitled “Talking about peace in times of war”.

From 8:30 pm the special event organized for this fourteenth edition of the Emergency Days Ferrara: Patrick Zaki, interviewed by the journalist Laura Cappon, will tell his terrible story and his 20-month detention in Egypt, also presenting his book “Dreams and illusions of freedom. My story”.

At 10pm there will be space for the music of Keep Queen Alice who will delight the Edays audience with their repertoire dedicated to recreating the magic and energy of Freddy Mercury’s band.

The last day of the festival organized by the volunteers of Emergency Ferrara will also have a special focus on children with the workshop “Nel verde del parco” by the CIRCI association (7 pm). Afterwards, again for the little ones, a children’s space to draw, do small jobs, play and have fun together with the volunteers of Emergency Ferrara.

As every day of the festival, inside the social center there will be the thematic bookshop organized by Librerie.coop, the food stand managed by the social center Il Parco and the Emergency shop where it will be possible to buy gadgets and get information on the association’s activities. There will also be a photographic exhibition dedicated to the Emergency Life Support ship for rescue in the Mediterranean.

All proceeds from the event will support Emergency’s projects and hospitals.

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