Naples, Chiaia is the neighborhood with the highest number of innovative start-ups

Naples, Chiaia is the neighborhood with the highest number of innovative start-ups
Naples, Chiaia is the neighborhood with the highest number of innovative start-ups

Chiaia it’s the neighborhood where there is the record of innovative startups there are 31 and SMEs – Small and medium-sized enterprises – with the same vocation where they are counted 11. The greatest presence of businesses is recorded in three neighbourhoods: Municipality, Porto and Mercato. While the area with the largest share of companies with a turnover exceeding 500 thousand euros are Vomero and Arenella. These are some data from the Economy and Society report drawn up by the professor Gaetano Vecchione on behalf of the Municipality where a great dynamism of local businesses certainly emerges, a territory that after the Covid crisis is raising its head again.

The companies registered in the Aida database, which stands for “Computerized Analysis of Italian Companies”, are analyzed. And in this regard it should be noted that in this special register the companies registered in Naples are 64.646but those with operational headquarters in the city are much fewer: 23.244. The others operate in the vast metropolitan area of ​​Naples and in the province of Caserta and in the city they only have their registered office. The state of health of Neapolitan companies is good, however in the same report some critical issues are highlighted that are not negligible. Among these the de–specialization. Which basically means as the assets that determine urban development – digital and manufacturing low-tech – I am still weak. In our area, growth is greatly supported by the tourism boom which by definition is volatile and by the strong injections of funding arriving from Europe.

Some data in the introduction. The 42.6% of businesses was established between 2011 and 2020. Little more than 30% It was founded in the previous decade between the 2001 and 2010. The oldest companies founded up to 2000 represent 17.3% of the total, the youngest ones established from 2021 onwards 9,7%. In this context it emerges that «the area with the greatest presence of businesses is that of Municipio, Porto, Mercato, followed by Arenaccia, Poggioreale, Centro Direzionale and Chiaia».

Professor Vecchione and his team then specify: «If we add the other two areas next in the ranking for number of companies – Chiaia, Piedigrotta, Mergellina and Fuorigrotta Agnano – in the first five areas of the city almost 40% of the companies with operational headquarters in the city of Naples are concentrated. The highest turnover, that is, exceeding 500 thousand euros, is recorded in Vomero-Arenella, followed by Zona Ospedaliera, Rione Alto, Camaldoli, Colli Aminei and Capodimonte: two areas of the city where over 60% of businesses exceed the half million euro threshold. «In third place, due to the presence of companies with a high turnover, is the San Giovanni a Teduccio industrial area».

For some years now, companies in the aerospace hub have been concentrated here, among others. So Chiaia where innovative companies excel over all startups. «Focusing the analysis – we read – on manufacturing activities with a greater presence in the city», the Municipio – Porto – Mercato area still prevails (10% of the total), followed by Arenaccia – Poggioreale – Centro Direzionale (9%), Chiaia and Barra – Ponticelli, both with 7% of the total. Looking instead at the individual industrial sectors, Chiaia – Piedigrotta – Mergellina is in the lead for food products and non-metallic mineral products. Arenaccia – Poggioreale – Directional center for leather goods and metal products. Town Hall – Port – Market for the manufacture of “other means of transport and the repair and installation of machinery and equipment”.

In Chiaia there is a strong concentration for the production of clothing items. Traditional sector of that area of ​​Naples. The sector with the greatest number of companies is wholesale and retail trade, with 6400 companies. In second place are the construction and accommodation and catering sectors with an average of 2500.

The Municipality’s project is to replace traditional manufacturing with new industry which is that of skills and digital. And this is also evident from the data. «Narrowing the focus to manufacturing activities only – we read in the report – the industrial “versatility” of Naples and its de-specialization emerge even more clearly even in two manufacturing segments with a long tradition in the city such as clothing and leather products. Despite recording high values, Naples is far from the top of the class for specialization: with 6.2% in clothing it is over 3 points behind Milan (9.5%) and in leather with 11.7% it has a gap of over five points from Florence (17.3%)».

It basically means that there is a lack of specialized workers in the unemployment capital of the big cities. «It is worth noting – concludes the report – the low specialization in two science-based sectors that have tended to characterize the transformation processes of the urban economy for some years: in the electronics industry, with 2.0% Naples is detached from Genoa ( 12.2%) by over 10 points, while in the pharmaceutical sector there are over eight points separating it from Milan, which boasts a share of 9.1% of employees on the total”. In short, manufacturing is limping due to a lack of specific skills despite the army of the unemployed. And the same thing goes for new high-tech professions.


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