545 km between nature and history

545 km between nature and history
545 km between nature and history

Il cycle tourism has generated in Italiain 2023, a turnover exceeding 5.5 billion euros, an increase of 35% compared to the previous year. A growing phenomenon also in Calabriawhere bicycle enthusiasts can count on Parks Cycle Path, an itinerary of 545 km which crosses the internal Apennine ridge of the region touching its four natural parks: three national teams, namely the Pollino Parkthat of They, dell’Aspromonte and a regional one, the Serre Park.

Right in the heart of the latter a Serra San Brunotourist operators, associations and representatives of local and regional institutions met to discuss the opportunities of cycling tourism in Calabria. «The Calabria Region wanted to play this game of cycle tourism and it did so through this great infrastructure that is the Ciclovia dei Parchi, a cycle path that crosses what we call the other Calabria, the Calabria of the hinterland. Which is not only natural landscapes, biodiversity, but also culture and history» commented the director of the Region John Aramini.

The initiative promoted by the Calabrese tour operator “Sognare Insieme Viaggi”, which presented the new tour packagessaw the collaboration of the Serre Regional Park and Trenitalia. «Trenitalia is taking a path by offering “train+bike” solutions and has knocked on our door asking for a more intense dialogue – he explained Angela Donato of the tour operator “Sognare Insieme Viaggi”. We are here today to discuss what has been done and above all what can still be done. The packages we present today include single days of activities and bike excursions in the various parks. These are routes currently aimed at local tourism and which will subsequently be tested on the national and international market». Continue reading on ilVibonese.it

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