Messina, council on water crisis. Basile: “we will intervene with our resources”

Messina, council on water crisis. Basile: “we will intervene with our resources”
Messina, council on water crisis. Basile: “we will intervene with our resources”

“The municipality of Messina will do more, it will make up for the shortcomings of the regional and national government by intervening with its own resources for all those interventions that will be necessary to address and overcome the water crisis. Today’s City Council gave us the opportunity to clarify everything that the City Administration and the Company are putting in place to mitigate the inconveniences resulting from a water crisis that is putting the entire Region to the test”Basile points out. The mayor states this Federico Basilecommenting on today’s session of the town Councilconvened to address the issue of water crisis a Messina.

“We had already had the opportunity to illustrate to the city – Basile continues – the current situation. A situation that once again sees the municipal administration alongside the citizens. Since 2018, that is, since the mayorship of Cateno De Luca, we have set ourselves the goal of 24-hour water and for this we have worked and are continuing to work. We have a design plan for 80 million euros. It is clear, however, that the Region and the Government must do their part. We need the funds. Today Messina, compared to a picture of generalized water suffering, is holding up. The numbers, the facts say it. Just look at what is happening in other cities. If Messina manages, despite everything, to guarantee the water supply to the city, it is because we have implemented a series of interventions that today put us in a condition of substantial balance. And we are working to mitigate the inconveniences of the areas most affected by the water crisis in the city”, Basile points out.

“The motion proposed in the chamber today by the PD essentially sees us on the same side. In fact, each point proposed has already been started and implemented by my Administration. I am therefore pleased to see that the Democratic Party, as well as the center-right that then signed the motion, share our administrative action. The municipality of Messina will do more, it will make up for the shortcomings of the regional and national government by intervening with its own resources for all those interventions that will be necessary to address and overcome the water crisis”concludes Basile.

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