Bari, Regional Council gives green light to census of elderly people living alone in Puglia

Bari, Regional Council gives green light to census of elderly people living alone in Puglia
Bari, Regional Council gives green light to census of elderly people living alone in Puglia

The collection of data and names will facilitate access to healthcare services for the most vulnerable citizens. The Regional Council has approved the proposal for a census of the elderly population living alone in Puglia

The assembly gave the green light, unanimously, to the motion presented by Italia Viva councilor Massimiliano Stellato, who committed the regional government to promote the creation of a census of elderly people living alone or in a state of abandonment in the municipalities of Puglia, in order to facilitate their access to assistance services (from the purchase of food, to medicines, to psychological support and access to care) in case of need.

There are many cases of elderly people, both self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient. – declares Stellato – relegated to conditions of marginalization and deprivation due to loneliness. A worrying and unfortunately growing phenomenon, which often escapes the monitoring of the competent offices. In some municipalities, the census of this segment of the population has been carried out, in many others it has not. My motion, just approved, tries to fill this gap“.

The Government, with the ‘Pact for the Third Age’ – continues Stellato – aims to intervene with targeted policies in favor of the elderly and against their marginalization. But before this, it is necessary to know the real estimate of the need, that is, the size of the demographic segment of reference. All this, in order to facilitate welfare policies and interventions in the health, social and assistance fields. The elderly are not only a part of our families and the roots of society, they also guard a heritage of values, culture and traditions. For this reason, taking care of them is equivalent to preserving our communities“.

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