Autonomy, the appeal to Occhiuto divides the Calabrian mayors

Autonomy, the appeal to Occhiuto divides the Calabrian mayors
Autonomy, the appeal to Occhiuto divides the Calabrian mayors

Controversy over the letter to Occhiuto that divides the Calabrian mayors and over the differentiated autonomy the exchange between Fiorita and Succurro

CATANZARO – The mayors’ battle against theDifferentiated autonomy it also risks becoming a “dialectical match” between institutional levels which respond to “flights forward” with the sacredness of the task of defending their communities.

On differentiated autonomy, as president of Anci Calabria, Rosaria Succurro had written to the mayors of the Calabrian municipalities, asking them to «avoid forms of escapes forward, political protagonism and a priori visions motivated by partisan interests. We have the opportunity of the imminent regional assembly of Anci – underlined the president of the mayors of Calabria – to make the best and shared possible decisions, the most appropriate directions and greater insights into the choice of the most effective line of initiative”.

«Flight forward? If anything, it is the Anci that risks being left behind – the mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fiorita, responds piquedly, among the first signatories of the letter addressed to the governor Roberto Occhiuto to challenge the law on differentiated autonomy. The die is cast because it is no longer the time for melina, for ambiguity, for sugar-coated documents. The best way to counteract the Calderoli law is to appeal to the Constitutional Court. If that’s not enough, we will go to a repeal referendum.”

According to the mayor, “it is President Succurro who must take note that 120 mayors, and the list is getting longer every day, with all the big cities in the front row, have expressed a strong position. I have recognized her, in public and in private, that she has courageously changed her mind on differentiated autonomy, but now she must demonstrate, by adhering to our appeal, that she is the president of all the municipalities and not of a small, fearful Anci that is far too obsequious to political power.”
«On the occasion of the regional assembly of the Association – he adds – the reasons for the “One Italy” appeal will have to be evaluated, thus hoping that the president’s voice can become the voice of all the mayors of Calabria».

“If the mayor of Catanzaro does not agree with this method of representation, democracy and sharing, let him say so clearly and not move the issue onto the completely inappropriate terrain of political opposition”, replies the president of the Anci in the evening, I suck.
«I have said clearly several times that the battle against the law on differentiated autonomy must not be characterized by primogeniture, divisions and exploitation, otherwise we are not acting in the interests of Calabria, of the South, of our territories and citizens».

«It seems strange to me – observes Succurro – that my colleague Fiorita, mayor of the capital city of Calabria, has opened an unfounded and sterile controversy, given that in recent months, on my initiative as president of the Anci, we had met together with ask, through the Calabrian prefectures, for a clear rethink on the text of the bill on differentiated autonomy, which was instead approved without corrections, without the prior definition of the Lep and without the identification of the necessary resources”.

“If I were to argue with Mayor Fiorita, I would fail in my duties of impartiality and representation, which my colleague should recognize and respect. Therefore – concludes President Succurro – we will soon meet again at the assembly of Anci Calabria, in Lorica, to strengthen the front against differentiated autonomy, without divisions and without controversy”.

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