Como, a business project in Intesa Sanpaolo prison is underway Agenzia stampa Italpress

COMO (ITALPRESS) – A laboratory for the construction of complex electrical panels has been inaugurated inside the Como Prison: selected inmates participating in the prison business project promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo will work here.
The initiative was presented inside the Lombard penitentiary institute and today the practical operational part of the project began, which aims to promote the meeting between companies and workers trained right inside the walls of the institute.
Eleven inmates have been selected and will specialize in the creation of complex electrical panels, thus becoming electrician wiring technicians.
The project involves, in addition to Intesa Sanpaolo and the District Prison, the MekTech group, a company specialized in the design and construction of robotic systems and plants, and the Ozanam social cooperative, which promotes the integration of people in difficulty into the world of work. Present at the start of the works in Como, Don Gino Rigoldi, the inspirer of the project, the Regional Superintendence and the Undersecretary of Justice, Andrea Ostellari.
“The prison opens up and welcomes an opportunity within it. In this case, the prison is a place where you can learn a talent. The path serves to generate an opportunity for the future and this is also thanks to the entrepreneur who decided to bring part of the business here and accepted the challenge”, said Stefano Barrese, Head of the Banca dei Territori Division of Intesa Sanpaolo.
“This project – explained Anna Roscio, Executive Director, Sales and Marketing Enterprises of Intesa Sanpaolo, speaking to Italpress – was born from the desire to unite our clients, businesses and non-profit organizations to create a virtuous path of work inside the prison and the opportunity to learn a trade”.
The entire production process will take place in the laboratory, a space of approximately 180 square meters, inside the prison, from the arrival of the components to the creation of the product packaged by the new technicians.
According to data from the CNEL, the National Council of Economy and Labor and the Ministry of Justice, 70% of prisoners make mistakes again once they have served their sentence, but the recidivism rate drops to 2%, according to an estimate from the same source, for those who are sent on a training and work path: “When a person leaves prison with a job in hand – said Don Gino Rigoldi – the recidivism rate drops. In fact, they acquire some tools to be autonomous, with projects like this you create security and employment together”.
The work experience for the 11 people selected aims to allow potential job placement in the future. The workers involved in the project were present at the ribbon cutting and showed great enthusiasm: “We feel very lucky,” testified Claudio Clerici, 33, “this project also offers us the opportunity to support ourselves and not sit around doing nothing.” “Today I feel happy and I almost don’t feel like I’m in a prison environment,” said Amed Cetin, 22.
“Intesa Sanpaolo per il Sociale – explained Paolo Bonassi, Chief Social Impact Officer of the Group – is a structure that was recently established with the task of managing our program to combat inequalities, which is considered the largest carried out by a private entity in our country”.
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