Industrial port renovation works begin

Industrial port renovation works begin
Industrial port renovation works begin

Patroni Griffi «A port that looks to Europe» – The virtuous example of the wind turbine hub

BEFORE the growing numbers, it is the sight of the merchant ships at anchor in the Adriatic Gulf waiting to enter the industrial port of Manfredonia that gives an idea of ​​the increase in traffic at the Siponto maritime port.

“IN LESS THAN a month, approximately 25,000 tons of goods were moved, including wind components, bulk cargo destined for the Sisecam glassworks and glass shipments, as well as wind components destined for the USA,” notes Vincenzo Prencipe of the Galli & Figlio shipping agency, which has implemented an ambitious revamping project for some virtually abandoned back-port areas that had been transformed into a warehouse for various waste. A praiseworthy, far-sighted initiative by a private entrepreneur supported by adequate investments, which has recovered and equipped an area suitable for receiving goods arriving and departing from the port of Manfredonia.

THE technical-organizational REQUIREMENT that has allowed the Galli & Figlio agency to set up and develop what is considered the largest and most important wind energy logistics hub on the Adriatic, which handles hundreds of wind energy system components exported to various regions of Italy and abroad with solid growth prospects. An activity that has produced an induced effect of over one hundred and fifty work units. A clear and eloquent example of the development possibilities that can be achieved on these shores by making the most of the existing basic resources, in this case the port.

PORT which is preparing to start implementing the sumptuous refunctionalization project of the structure built in the early 1970s, for an investment of 121 million euros, developed by the Southern Adriatic Sea Port System Authority. «Interventions of great commitment, not only technical – notes the president of the AspmAm, Ugo Patroni Griffi – which give perspective to the possibility of developing the basin of other seabeds and therefore of inserting themselves into the maritime macro-area which includes the European corridor in which the port of Manfredonia can play a fundamental role.”

THE BASIC BUILDING SITE, or rather the setting up of the operational headquarters of the works, was set up in the area in front of the “pier” that connects the port basin located about three kilometers from the coast. A “titanic” work, as President Patroni Griffi defined it. «A far-reaching project – he explains – that brings the existing structure up to standard from the point of view of safety and functionality to the advantage of port operators».

IN THE PROJECT for the renovation of the other seabed pier, the elimination of the “conveyor belt” system supported on the pier for its entire length is planned, which has never worked or even been tested. «An abomination of the past – Patroni Griffi defined it – a negative symbol of Manfredonia that wants to be reborn, a superstructure that is useless and that is a huge obstacle to the work on the port docks. Now – he announces – we are at the epilogue: with the Region we have signed a protocol that sanctions the removal of that system».

Michael Apollonius

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