“English for kids” and “Who would ever read that?” at the Guglionesi primary school

GUGLIONESI. The two PON “Agenda SUD” projects organized for the pupils of the second, third and fourth classes of the primary school of the Omnicomprehensive Institute “G. Rivera” by Guglionesi.

“English for Kids” a fun language course for 20 fourth-grade elementary school students, designed for dynamic and engaging learning of the foreign language, involving the expert teacher Farina Nicoletta and the tutor teacher Rivera Esperina.

Each lesson was created in order to create a solid lexical base and expressive forms useful for future studies of the English language.

Games, stories and practical activities gave rhythm to the topics covered, favoring an interactive approach that stimulated curiosity and motivation.

Through dialogues related to real life contexts and role-playing games, students practiced the language and improved their pronunciation in a natural and enjoyable way. Furthermore, the use of songs and reading storytelling helped them acquire basic grammatical forms.

A totally immersive experience in the language was lived by the students thanks to the video call held with students from a school in Turkey, which saw both groups engaged in a real communicative exchange and in an authentic conversation and listening exercise, encouraging skills useful for acquiring confidence and fluency in the use of the foreign language.

Digital platforms, multimedia content and interactive activities have made the entire journey full of learning opportunities and the creation of themed content, published in permanent virtual spaces in order to be enjoyed at any time.

“Who would ever read that?”

The module involved the students of the second and third classes of the primary school of our institute and involved the expert teacher José Carlos Cintra Costa (alias Zeka Cintra) and the tutor, teacher Di Rocco Viviana. The aim was to promote reading by encouraging an affective and emotional approach to books.

Five books were proposed to the students, all illustrated by Zeka Cintra, capable of transmitting curiosity and reflecting on important themes such as inclusion, self-acceptance and the understanding that being different is something special. The students were actively involved by experiencing individual and social reading. After each reading cycle, a creative workshop was activated with the creation of artistic artefacts and the creation of posters relating to the books read. To make the most significant contents known, the posters were made “talking” via a QR code connection.

To conclude the module, a meeting was scheduled with the author of some of the proposed texts, Isabel Cintra, a writer of Brazilian origins and resident in Stockholm, Sweden. The entire journey made was documented and shared online via the social network Instagram. The students showed great participation and interest, getting involved in all the proposed activities.

Once again, books and reading gave young students the opportunity to discover new knowledge and become protagonists of concrete and educational experiences.

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