Inevitable farewell, photo finish agreement: no Rome

Inevitable farewell, photo finish agreement: no Rome
Inevitable farewell, photo finish agreement: no Rome

Inevitable farewell, agreement almost reached and no Rome. The footballer remains in Serie A but she will not come to Spugna’s team

The transfer market is also starting to move in an important way Women’s Rome. If yesterday we told you about a negotiation with Giulia Dragonwhich should arrive on loan from Barcelona (tied to the Blaugrana by a contract until 2027), today a rumour has emerged of another possible signing from a Serie A club.

Souloukou e Bavagnoli (

The name is that of Filangeri of Sassuolo, who after several years in the neroverde is destined to farewell. Yes, someone said that Roma would be interested: but the news in possession of they’re going in another direction. Here’s what we know.

Filangeri at Fiorentina, not interested in Roma

The footballer of Sassuolo (Inter was also mentioned), Roma is not interested in the duo Improved-Bavagnoli. In that area of ​​the pitch the Giallorosse are fine, and therefore have no intention of sinking the blow. In short, there is nothing, and not even Inter should succeed in their intent – if there ever were – because the player is destined for Fiorentina.

Filangeri of Sassuolo, left: is destined for Fiorentina (Lapresse) –

Roma are therefore not thinking about Filangeri. There is no possibility that the class of 2000 will arrive in the capital. Alexander Spongehowever, we expect other additions, also because not only Kramzarbut also Tomaselli in the middle of the field, are destined to say goodbye. We cannot speak of a revolution, also because the big teams should really all stay, but we should see more than one movement between now and the start of the championship – set for next August 31st. The goal, obviously, is to win the championship for the third year in a row.

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