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O.Napoli (az): “In Brussels, Italy is serving 30 years of bipolarism”

O.Napoli (az): “In Brussels, Italy is serving 30 years of bipolarism”
O.Napoli (az): “In Brussels, Italy is serving 30 years of bipolarism”

“In Brussels, Italy paid a bloody price, more than can be attributed to Giorgia Meloni, due to the arrogance of the Prime Minister and the cowardly opposition of the PD, which rejoices in the exclusion of Italy from any agreement on top positions”. With these words, Oswald Naplesmember of the national secretariat of Actionexpresses his harsh criticism of the Italian and European political situation.

A sad sight

Napoli doesn’t mince words to describe the Political confrontation between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schleindefining it I don’t know if it’s a sadder or more shameful sight“According to Napoli, the rivalry between Meloni and Schlein, both engaged in a personal battle, is taking place “on the back of Italy”.

The inconsistency of political forces

Naples’ criticism is aimed at both the majority and the opposition: “How can an opposition candidate to govern Italy rejoice over the exclusion of its own country from European agreements? And how can a sitting Prime Minister present herself at European summits with the threatening air of someone who claims rights in the name of an electoral result achieved in Italy but in no other country of the Union?”

Muscular and bogus bipolarism

According to Napoli, Meloni and Schlein tried to move to Europe “il muscular and fake bipolarism which for thirty years has eliminated all dialogue”stigmatizing every agreement and compromise as “a deal“This attitude, Napoli underlines, contrasts with compromise and dialogue, which are “the salt of every mature democracy”.

A Call for Responsibility

Napoli concludes his speech with an appeal to responsibility: “I hope, like any responsible person, that Meloni finds a way to an agreement with the new and old majority, in the interest of Italy, which is higher and more important than the interest of the European Conservatives group. And I want to believe that the PD will be able to work to encourage Italy’s recovery to the European logic. As it should be in a civil and mature democracy.”

Naples’ words highlight the tensions and challenges that Italy must face in a complex European context, hoping for a return to a policy of dialogue and compromise, necessary for the good of the country.

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