Swimming pool, reopening is still further away

Swimming pool, reopening is still further away
Swimming pool, reopening is still further away

On paper it was supposed to be little more than a walk in the park. but in reality, when things have to be done concretely, the roads are often steeper than expected. The reopening of the Rovigo swimming center fits perfectly within the perimeter of things that are easy to say but much more difficult to do. Yes, because although the work on the internal part is now completed and even the tender appears to be a closed chapter, the issue continues to reserve some twists and turns.

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The first, although predictable, is linked to the announcement itself. The second, however, is linked to the reopening times which, without too many mincing words, have become longer. Again.

Going in order, with regard to the tender for the concession of the plant management service, today the Municipality of Rovigo was notified and, for information, also to the new manager, the company Pool 4.0 led by Davide Gilli, Rhodigium Nuoto’s challenge of the exclusion from the competition. The former manager, in short, does not accept this and contests the exclusion. For this reason he has instructed his lawyers to appeal. The Rhodigium Nuoto 2006, chaired by Silvano Lindaver, was excluded from the tender last 24 June following the decision of the tender commission chaired by the municipal manager Marco Plechero.

The reason, as communicated by the municipal administration, is linked to some anomalies contained in the offer presented. The critical issues would concern in particular the Pef, the economic financial plan, because costs would have been included which, at the end of the various evaluations, turned out to be completely unsustainable.

Regarding the appeal, President Lindaver prefers not to comment: “As we have done throughout these very challenging months, we remain silent. Before making any declarations, we await the final conclusion of the Rovigo assignment notice and the conclusion of the checks by the experts appointed by the court on a possible agreement for the precedent”.

Lindaver speaks of a “final assignment of the tender”. Yes, because even though a week has now passed since the announcement of the new manager, the final award determination has not yet been seen. For the moment, not even a shadow has been seen of the document in question, which is essential for closing the tender procedure and certifying that the new manager is Pool 4.0..

The manager Plechero assures that “it will be published tomorrow”. The determination is not a negligible detail. Because the preparation by the new manager for the reopening of the internal part will begin from the moment of publication.

And in any case it will take at least a month to furnish and equip the system. President Gilli explains it: “From the moment the assignment takes place – he says – it will take at least a good month. On the other hand, the structure is completely empty and we have to buy everything: from the lanes and buoys for the pools to the lockers and benches for the changing rooms. Everything is missing. We have to make orders that take time. Supplies are not immediate. But we must be sure that we have management.” If the decision is published today, therefore, the reopening will take place no earlier than August.

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