ASL Salerno, eye exams? Not before October: Polichetti’s complaint

Salerno. The professor Mario Polichetti, reports yet another anomaly regarding waiting lists for eye exams in the Province.

Currently, for an eye exam with theAsl Salerno you have to wait until October 3. At the San Giovanni di Dio University Hospital and Roar of Aragon, reservations for ophthalmology are already available fully booked until the end of the yearwith early access reserved only for priority cases.

Polychaetes expressed his strong concern in this regard, declaring: “The situation of waiting lists for eye exams in our province is now unsustainable. It is unacceptable that citizens have to wait months for a simple visit, with dates only available in October at the ASL Salerno and the Ruggi fully booked until the end of the year. This represents a serious deficiency in our health system which especially penalizes the most fragile patients and those in need of immediate care”.

Continues Polychaetes:” The priority of access reserved only for urgent cases at Ruggi is certainly important, but it is not enough. Every citizen has the right to timely and adequate healthcare. Long waits not only create inconvenience and worries, but can also worsen the health conditions of those who need timely treatment. Prevention and early diagnosis are fundamental, and these times risk seriously compromising both.”

Conclude Polichetti: “We ask the competent health authorities to take urgent measures to resolve this situation which, once again, highlights the structural deficiencies of our health system”

Polychaetes will continue to monitor the situation and urge the competent institutions to adopt rapid and effective solutions to reduce waiting lists and guarantee an efficient and accessible health service for all.

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