Vanessa Ferrari injured while training for the Cuneo Championships

Vanessa Ferrari injured while training for the Cuneo Championships
Vanessa Ferrari injured while training for the Cuneo Championships

“My journey towards Paris 2024 ends here. I started it with the desire to fight to the end but also with the awareness that there could be this type of outcome, it’s part of the game. But even though I’ve had many injuries in my career, you never get used to it and the blow is always strong, especially after three years of training and one month from the final goal”the girl’s comment published on her Instagram profile with the video of the injury.

For Ferrari it would have been the fifth Olympics; her debut in 2008 in Beijing, the only minor in the Italian team, then London 2012, Rio de Janeiro 2016 and Tokyo 2020.

Many messages of support are arriving at the champion, among these a long post of esteem and affection was published on the Instagram page of Italian Artistic Gymnastics which we report: “A world title won at not even 16 years old and 4 Olympics behind you… this is enough to make everyone understand who we are talking about. Your story is our story, your victories have turned Italian gymnastics upside down, just like you did, putting yourself back in the game when no one believed in it anymore, displacing every type of prediction, earning the respect of anyone who worked alongside you day after day. Everyone can imagine how much dedication, how much courage and how much commitment are necessary to get to do what you did, but no one, except those who had the pleasure of knowing you, can really come close to understanding what we are talking about. In your long career, the codes, the regulations, the equipment have changed, injuries, illnesses, medals missed, unexpected successes and those built in 25 years of work have arrived… despite this succession of emotions and ups and downs, there is one thing that has never changed: YOU. You are always present, always ready to say “I’ll try, then we’ll see…”. Unfortunately, this time we won’t be able to see you at the Olympics and, we must underline it, 20 years have passed since the last Olympics without you! However, Italy, your Italy, will see you again in every exercise, will think of you with every apparatus and will never, ever stop being proud of you! Get well soon Champion and thank you for trying again this time too. Putting yourself out there is the real success, not giving up in the face of difficulties is the real victory, you taught us that. “.

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