Activist and teacher Francesca De Martin gets role in Lombardy

Activist and teacher Francesca De Martin gets role in Lombardy
Activist and teacher Francesca De Martin gets role in Lombardy

Francesca De Martina renowned activist and teacher from the Lucca area, has recently reached a significant milestone in her professional career. After a one-year trial period, she obtained a role in Lombardy, passing with distinction the final meeting with the evaluation committee. The director, together with all the members of the commission, expressed admiration and compliments for the work done by Francesca, recognizing her exceptional expository skills.

The thesis presented by Francesca De Martin it was a innovative interdisciplinary path focused on children’s emotional literacy, a topic of growing relevance in the contemporary educational landscape. His approach highlighted the importance of integrating emotional education into the school curriculum, providing students with the tools necessary to understand and manage their emotions.

Francesca’s success would not have been possible without the quick call and the limited ranking, two key elements that facilitated the evaluation and selection process. These tools allowed us to recognize the value and commitment of teachers, like Francesca, who are passionate about their profession.

The educational community, both friends and colleagues, new and old, joined together in congratulating Francesca on her success. “This recognition – they explained – is a shining example of how commitment, dedication and innovation in education can lead to extraordinary results. With her role in Lombardy, Francesca De Martin will continue to inspire and positively influence the lives of young students, shaping the future of emotional education and helping to create a more aware and empathetic society. De Martin, whose career was recently crowned by success in Lombardy, stands out not only for his his pedagogical skills but also for his activism. In addition to having shone in the meeting with the evaluation committee, Francesca demonstrated a strong commitment to political mobilization, fighting to give rights and dignity to the eligible teachers of the ordinary competition. Her ability to dialogue and interact with institutions was particularly appreciated, highlighting her determination to use these interlocutory skills to defend and win teachers’ rights. Francesca’s passion and dedication to issues of social and professional justice are an example of how teachers can be agents of change, influencing not only the educational environment but also the broader political and social context.”

With her new position in Lombardy, Francesca De Martin aims to continue this important work advocacyusing her experience and voice to promote a better future for the teaching profession.

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