Catania, attempted murder in the city: 39-year-old arrested

Catania, attempted murder in the city: 39-year-old arrested
Catania, attempted murder in the city: 39-year-old arrested

Hours of apprehension in Catania, where the soldiers in Piazza Dante discovered an attempted murder. In fact, after a report from the manager of a fast food restaurant, a young man was found with ongoing bleeding and several wounds to his neck.

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According to what emerged from the victim’s story, the perpetrator of the attack was his brother, a 39-year-old who managed to escape from the military before being stopped.

Catania, attempted murder: young man stabbed by his brother

In the middle of the night, the manager of a fast food restaurant located in the center of Catania called 112 asking for a Carabinieri patrol to be urgently sent as, outside the premises, there was a young man who reported several wounds of edged weapon to neck and had ahemorrhage in progress.

Therefore, the intervention of the Carabinieri of the Operational Unit of the Piazza Dante Company was immediate and, having reached the reported premises in a matter of minutes, they immediately understood the gravity of the fact, finding the terrified young man in front of the door, a 29enne foreigner with deep wounds around his neck, from which he was losing a lot of blood, and an ambulance had arrived and transported him to the hospital Emergency room.

Although in a state of shock, the young man managed to mutter under his breath while being transported to the ambulance investigators his name Brother. The injured man, bleeding, was immediately transported to the emergency room of the Garibaldi Centro hospital, but his life was not in danger.

The investigations

Investigations were immediately launched by the personnel of the Operations Unit who, thanks to the invaluable collaboration of their colleagues from the Scientific Investigation Section of the Catania Investigative Unit, reconstructed the dynamics of the event.

In fact, with a meticulous investigative activity of comparing the traces of blood found on the asphalt and analyzing the footage from the video surveillance cameras present along the route, the Carabinieri were able to trace the route taken by the injured young man back to his home, a ground floor apartment in the Fortino area of ​​Catania. At that point, their deep knowledge of the territory and the information at their disposal allowed the military to trace the identity of the young man’s cohabiting brother, a 39-year-old foreigner. Upon their arrival on site, the military found the home empty, but through the windows, they were able to glimpse traces of blood on the floor and blood-soaked handkerchiefs scattered everywhere. Therefore, this led the investigators to presume that the stabbing had most likely taken place in that home and that the injured young man had subsequently moved on foot and bleeding to the nearest commercial activity open in the middle of the night, where he could ask for help.

At that point, the dynamics of the facts and the roles of the victim and the stabber being clear, the search for the man immediately began, with the military dividing into two teams, one that started a blanket search of the area to prevent the 39-year-old from leaving, while a second team was stationed near the house, in case the latter returned home. In fact, in the early afternoon, the stabber returned home, where, to his great surprise, he found the Carabinieri waiting for him near the front door. Upon his arrival, the 39-year-old showed up with a bandaged hand to cover a cut wound, a clue that consolidated the investigative hypothesis of the military, who at that point searched the house, inside which, precisely on the kitchen sink, they found two knives still soaked in blood, which the suspect had evidently not managed to clean to make the traces disappear.

The man was arrested on suspicion of crime and placed at the disposal of the judicial authority who validated the measure and ordered his precautionary custody at the district prison of Catania Lanza Squarewhile the reasons that led to the incident are still being examined by investigators‘aggression.

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