Lamberti relaunches Confronto and attacks the dem Il Tirreno

Lamberti relaunches Confronto and attacks the dem Il Tirreno
Lamberti relaunches Confronto and attacks the dem Il Tirreno

Leghorn Founded in 2006 by the former mayor of Livorno Gianfranco Lamberti, today the Confronto association comes of age. And comes back to life. After the municipal elections, which “unfortunately were won by the old administration”, it is the son of the former mayor, Pasquale Lambertia former member of the Democratic Party, to lead the political association. He will be the president of Rinascita. And the board of directors will also include three former candidates from the Guarducci mayor list, the entrepreneur Elisa Andorlinithe art historian Gianni Schiavon and also the psychotherapist Enrico Chelini. The communications manager completes the list Enrico Costalli. «Today I feel capable of carrying on what my father did», Lamberti begins. He explains why he took over the association again: «In 80 years of history, I was the first to be expelled from the Democratic Party for crimes of opinion – he continues –. Because I publicly criticized the Salvetti administration and because I went to conferences of Buongiorno Livorno and the 5 Star Movement».

Lamberti, when he was in the Democratic Party, did not want Salvetti to re-nominate. «But when the First Pole coalition was formed, the candidate Valentina Barale told me that her coalition didn’t want me in their project», he continues. Thus, the former Democratic Party placed its trust in Alessandro Guarducci’s civic project, “which evidently didn’t work.”

Today, therefore, Lamberti and his board are back in the game. “We are not happy with what the city of Livorno is today. Each of our contributions will be an opposition for the city, not against it. Constructive criticism is an act of love towards Livorno, it is not lèse-majesté.”

The association promises to fight on everything, but its main focus will be the fight for transparency. “No one answered us when we asked who the 180 thousand euros from Straborgo had gone to, which for us is Strasborso”, comments the president. The criticism of the new council comes immediately: «A 54-year-old who has been in Florence for 30 years has been appointed to youth politics. He is a very good man, but we don’t like politics.” And there is no shortage of attacks on the other new councillor, the Democratic Party secretary Federico Mirabelli, either. «Instead of thinking about the PD community he only thought about his career. He wanted to be a councilor at all costs. I can’t wait to meet the new secretary”, he concludes


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