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“We must look after Messina’s interests”

“We must look after Messina’s interests”
“We must look after Messina’s interests”

MESSINA – New parliamentary question from regional deputy Alessandro De Leo (Mixed Group) on the project for the recovery and redevelopment of the former Regina Margherita hospital in Messina. The parliamentarian writes: “The plan must be defined with maximum clarity and effectiveness, making targeted choices that are truly in the interest of the city of Messina and the institutions. Now more than ever, everyone must do their part in defining a process that represents a strategic opportunity not to be missed for the territory”. De Leo announces a note addressed to the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, on the Citadel of Culture, proposing the start of a political table to “define the process for the redevelopment of the pavilions of the former hospital”. Furthermore, De Leo will meet with the regional councilor for Cultural Heritage, Francesco Scarpinato, on the subject next week.

Just these days Tight time revealed that FSC 2021-27 funds, with an agreement signed by Meloni and Schifani, provide for the financing of pavilions 1, 2, 3. Structures intended, subject to variations, to house the archaeological museum (pavilion 1), the earthquake museum (pavilion 2) and the Superintendence for Cultural and Environmental Heritage (pavilion 3). But these are not executive projects. The only executive building, pavilion 10, which should become the headquarters of the “Giacomo Longo” Regional Library of Messina, does not fall within the FSC funds.

“Finally a turning point for the former Margherita”

But let’s go back to De Leo. The parliamentarian from Messina, last March 3, presented a question to the Ars, which recalled some press articles from our newspaper on the matter. Regarding the 16.8 million euro loan, he observes: “It is a battle for Messina and for the people of Messina that I am carrying forward through the discussions already had, and further discussions soon on the agenda, with the regional government. Now we have reached the turning point to put an end to the state of abandonment and degradation that has afflicted the structure for too long. It is necessary to go beyond the important aspect of the resources found for financial coverage, to make use of this endowment and capitalize it through the right choices. The updated plan of interventions must avoid overlaps and unfortunate evaluations”.

“An institution like the Regional Library deserves a permanent home”

“Initially – continues De Leo -, as foreseen by the resolution of the Regional Council n. 163 of 7 May 2020, the renovation of pavilion 10 was also envisaged, in addition to the already mentioned 1,2 and 3 for the aforementioned purposes. Pavilion 10 appears to have been intended to house the “Giacomo Longo” regional library, an institution that boasts a history of almost three centuries, currently housed in the premises of the Archbishop’s Curia in via I Settembre. In the 2021-27 FSC funding plan, the intervention which, after many years, could finally give a stable and definitive home to one of the city’s oldest cultural institutions was not included in the financing. The need to provide this cultural institution with a stable and definitive headquarters is of primary importance, and deserves a certain and quick resolution to be found within a political table”. “The Citadel of Culture – concludes De Leo – must represent an added value for Messina. We trust that the works can start as soon as possible and that, through a strategic discussion on the activities to be carried out, an area of ​​absolute cultural and social value can thus be returned to the City of Messina”.

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