Marco dies at 21 while working on a construction site in Venice

A 21-year-old worker, Marco Salvagno, died after a sheet of glass severed his femoral artery while he was in a company warehouse in the Venetian area. The employer. “I am speechless over this devastating tragedy.” Investigations underway.

Mark Salvagno.

Yet another fatal accident at work in Italy. A boy of only 21 years old, Mark Salvagno, worker originally from Chioggia and resident in Submarinedied after a glass he cut the femoral artery while he was in the company warehouse Boscolo Bielo, along the Rio della Scomenzera, in the Venetian area, a company operating in the construction and waste management sectors where he had been working regularly for a year. It happened on Friday 28 June around 4pm.

The young man was found by colleagues in a pool of blood. According to a very first reconstruction of the facts, the worker may have carried a sheet of glass in his hand, the sheet would have fallen and a splinter would have severed the femoral artery. But other causes are not excluded hypothesis. According to other information, the 21-year-old hit the slab of one with his leg glass doorshattering it.

The Suem health workers found the boy in hemorrhagic shock: the doctors tried to revive him with cardiac massage both there and in the hospital, but, when he arrived at the Civile in Venice, he was declared dead. Investigations are underway to try to understand the exact cause dynamics of what happened.

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“I am speechless for this devastating tragedy – wrote the employer -. The boy inside a warehouse for unknown reasons kicked a glass door causing the fatal injury. The intervention of his colleagues, to whom I personally thank, and the quick arrival of the ambulance were of no avail. In this dramatic moment we can only stand together and be close to the family”.

There is so much pain in the local community. “I sympathize with the pain of the family of the young man from Chioggia – wrote the mayor of Chioggia in a note, Mauro Armelao – died today in Venice. A broken young life that leaves us dismayed. I also express my closeness to Ivano Boscolo Bielo’s company for this loss of one of their young employees, a serious and highly appreciated company in Venice and beyond.”

She also expressed her opinion on what happened Uil Veneto which “is rallying around the family of the young worker, victim of the tragic accident, and will continue its work in the name of safety, without ever lowering its guard, together with the institutions and the workers. Prevention is a fundamental weapon to overcome tragic situations like today’s in which the culture of life must always and only prevail”, as stated in a press release.

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