Historic sentence: Puglia region convicted for road accident with wild boar

Historic sentence: Puglia region convicted for road accident with wild boar
Historic sentence: Puglia region convicted for road accident with wild boar

Last updated on June 29, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

In the spotlight: Accident at Palagianello which sets a significant precedent in the area of ​​road accidents caused by wildlife.

Collision between car and wild boar in Palagianello

The Court of Taranto issues an epochal ruling regarding an accident that occurred on provincial road 14, between Castellaneta e Palagianelloin 2021.

A large wild boar suddenly threw itself onto the asphalt, causing damage to the passing vehicle, an SUV, which was unable to avoid it. Despite the damage to the vehicle, the driver was unharmed.

Photo source: ANSA Wild boars in the street, archive image

Accident between vehicle and wild boar: the responsibility of the Region

After the accident, the driver requested compensation for the damages to the Puglia regionassisted by the lawyer Francesco D’Errico.

The judge accepted the request based on previous case law and regulations that give the Region regulatory competence in matters of wild flora and fauna.

After three years, the agency was ordered to pay compensation for the damages caused by the accident, paving the way for similar compensation cases in the future and underlining the importance of effective preventive measures.

Tragedy following wild boar in the street: victim a woman

Road accidents related to the presence of wild boars in urban and peri-urban areas represent a growing problem, often with tragic outcomes.

Last February, in the province of Tarantoa 48-year-old woman lost her life in an accident with a van that had stopped on the road between Ginosa e Ginosa Marina after hitting a wild boar.

Also in this case, the event raised controversy, highlighting the importance of addressing this emergency with adequate solutions to safeguard human lives.


Famous people, politicians, historical events or significant events mentioned:

1. Palagianello: Town in the province of Taranto, scene of the road accident caused by a wild boar.

2. Taranto: Important city in Puglia, seat of the Court that issued the sentence on the road accident.
3. Castellaneta: Municipality located in the province of Taranto, near Palagianello, scene of the road accident.
4. Puglia region: Regional body in which responsibility for compensation for damage caused by the accident has been attributed.
5. Francis D’Errico: Lawyer who assisted the driver in requesting compensation for damages from the Puglia Region.
6. Ginosa and Ginosa Marina: Municipalities in the province of Taranto, sites of other road accidents caused by wild boars.
Further information:
Wildlife: The accident in Palagianello and those in other places mentioned highlight the problem of road accidents caused by wild animals, in this case particularly by wild boars. These accidents can cause property damage and sometimes human tragedies.
Responsibility of the RegionThe ruling of the Court of Taranto that attributed to the Puglia Region the responsibility for compensation for damages has raised the importance of regulations that regulate the presence and control of wild fauna on the roads to prevent accidents and protect the safety of citizens.
Road emergency: The increasing presence of wild boars on urban and peri-urban roads is an emergency that must be addressed with adequate preventive measures. Fatal accidents highlight the need for strategies to better manage the coexistence between wildlife and vehicular traffic.

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