journey between authentic flavors and entertainment

journey between authentic flavors and entertainment
journey between authentic flavors and entertainment

The demonstration kicks off this afternoon “Sicilia gourmet” dedicated to food shows, tastings, shows and concerts which will enliven the historic center of San Cipirello for two days. The culinary event is organized by the Generazione Jato association with the patronage of the regional agriculture department. “The goal is to offer a gastronomic experience that unites quality e tradition of the companies in the Jato valley”, explain the organizers who presented the program of the event two evening ago during an evening organized at the Ponte Calatrasi farmhouse in Roccamena.

Inauguration and first day of events

The opening of the food and wine event, with free entry, is scheduled for today at 6pm. After the visit to the wooden stands set up along Via Roma, which will host 26 companies, there will be a show show cooking entrusted to chefs Lucianeddu and Rosario Matina. The tasting of gourmet dishes will begin at 8pm. At 9pm there will be a cabaret show with Matranga and Minafò, presented by Eliana Chiavetta. At 11pm concert by the Palermo band Mantropìa.

Second day of Sicilia Gourmet

Tomorrow (Sunday), at 6 pm, reopening of the stands and at 8 pm show cooking with free tastings inside the “villaggio del gusto” in piazza Matrice. From 9 pm cabaret show with Sasà Salvaggio, presented by Massimo Minutella. At 11 pm the concert by Neja will close the event. “Sicilia gourmet” will return to San Cipirello on Saturday 14 September with another day dedicated to flavors and entertainment.

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