Rimini Market, in Benevento they are sure: “Lamesta said yes”

Rimini Market, in Benevento they are sure: “Lamesta said yes”
Rimini Market, in Benevento they are sure: “Lamesta said yes”

Rimini’s last attempt but it could only partially succeed at most. Or not at all. This time an attempt with Morra and Lamesta because the negotiation with Benevento took place in Bologna last Wednesday and at the moment that is more than enough. The two clubs had left each other with the response of the red and whites by today to the Campania offer of 300 thousand euros for the registrations of both players. But the response could be late because Rimini wants a nod from the two players to the new offer of a substantial three-year contract proposed. Maybe not at the figures of the yellow and reds but very close. Rimini has parameters and cannot exceed them because the technical side of the operation is fine but there is also the economic one every time it conditions the sustainability or otherwise of a club. Without considering that in all this context, in the case of renewal, it will also be necessary to take into account the commissions to the agent who is the same as both. In short, the red and white club is doing everything they can to keep Morra and Lamesta, now it’s up to them: take it or leave it, with the understanding that if they refuse, Rimini will reluctantly have to let them go. And from what has leaked out, Lamesta now has Benevento in his head, while Morra is undecided and his stalling is irritating Benevento who could soon change direction and throw themselves decisively at Manconi from Modena. From Campania they even let it be known that Lamesta has already said no to the relaunch of the Romagna club, even if there is no confirmation from the red and white side. The fact is that Rimini wants to come out of this affair well, it doesn’t want to be seen as the one who gave away two valuable pieces without a fight because it was never their intention to do so.

Whatever happens, the aim is to close the matter before the start of the tests scheduled for next week or, at worst, before the return to training.

Presentation by Buscè

Finally Antonio Buscè: the day of the presentation of the Campania coach scheduled for Monday is finally coming (time and place still to be chosen).


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