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Carola Rackete’s hair is pathetic, Vannacci like Salis and Biden: so, today…

– There’s something they’re not telling you about the video investigation Fanpage are Youth Nationalthe young people of Fratelli d’Italia and the anti-Semitic nonsense they exchanged in chat. And it is the hypocrisy of those who on the one hand defend the “privacy” of pickpockets and on the other applaud the journalistic investigation that infiltrates a political party and, a bit like what happened in the previous investigation, essentially acts as an agent provocateur. Maybe you don’t remember, but in March of a year ago a controversy exploded because of a post by a Milanese Democratic Party councilor who called for privacy for pickpockets in the subway. “This habit of filming people caught stealing on ATM vehicles and posting the videos on Instagram pages with hundreds of thousands of followers is violence, and it is very worrying – she said – Both those who make the videos and those who manage the Instagram channels that make them viral should stop passing off their violence as civic sense”. The same thing, more or less, has happened in recent days to “The Cicalone”, youtuber who deals with reporting thefts in Rome and has ended up in the sights of the Cgil. These are all questionable behaviors. On which we can open an endless debate. But it is amusing that those who protect the privacy of pickpockets do not at least ask themselves whether it is right or not (it is certainly legal) to infiltrate political parties to film their private meetings.

– You should read the editorial of Thomas Friedman not so much for his tears in front of the TV or for the request to Joe Biden to resign after tonight’s catastrophe. But for the objectivity (so to speak) of his analysis: Joe is defined as “a good person and a good president”; Donald as “an evil man and a mean man.” For goodness sake, it was a comment. But this vision of reality seems a little cut with a knife.

– Stereotypes aside, Friedman’s analysis is correct. Maybe Biden would also be an excellent president again, but “time has been right on him”. “His family and his staff must have known,” says Friedman. “They had been barricaded in Camp David for days to prepare for this crucial debate. If what we’ve seen is the most they’ve been able to get out of him, it’s time for Joe to retain the dignity he deserves and leave the scene at the end of his term.” There’s no denying it: not everyone reaches 80 in good shape; very few at that age are capable of leading the largest empire in the world. The dems must take note of this and convince him to let go.

– Crucial question: but if Biden is so evidently incapable of leading the country for the next four years, so much so that he has also caused “pain” in his allies, wouldn’t it be right for him to resign immediately? Because from now until January 2025 (when the real handover with the possible replacement will take place) there are six very long months left in which the commander in chief who slurs his words and seems dazed could cause quite a few disasters. In Ukraine, Israel, Iran and so on.

– Actually, come on Casa Bianca they claim that Biden will not step back. And there may be a reason. Maybe three. First: the Dems do not believe they can find a unified candidate to counter Trump in so few months. Second: they believe Joe is the only one capable of defeating The Donald and perhaps the idea is to win the elections and then force him to step back ex post, making the vice president de facto govern. Third: who do you want to be the crazy democratic politician who would agree to get burned in an election that now seems lost from the start?

– He didn’t get the space the interview deserved Corriere della Sera to the philosopher Finkielkraut, born in Paris to a family of Jewish origins. What does he say? What we told you yesterday, that many French Jews are seriously thinking of voting The Pen to counter those they consider the real anti-Semites: the candidates of the Popular Front led by Melenchon. “As for anti-Semitism, it is now clear that in France it is linked to Islam-leftism”, a hatred towards Jews imported by immigrants and which the left cultivates “as an electoral basin”. For this reason, if it ever came to a run-off in his constituency, he would choose the National Rally. And this is a sensational statement.

– If the fish stinks from the head, as Fittipaldi claims regarding FdI e Georgia Melonswhat should we say about Avs when Ilaria Salt proudly claims heinous illegal activities?

Roberto Vannacci would be investigated for forgery. Is it a scandal? No. But there are two things that need to be underlined. First: for the umpteenth time in Italy the horrifying farce is repeated that ends up in the newspapers with investigative files before the interested parties, in this case the general, are even aware of it. A mode of operation unworthy in a civilized country that starts lecturing the Hungarian judicial system. Second: even if he were really under investigation, the MP should be able to sleep on two pillows. It’s true: European parliamentary immunity follows two channels, and paradoxically Ilaria is more protected than Roberto because she committed (or did not commit) the alleged crime in a foreign country. MEPs, in fact, cannot be subjected to detention or trials in another member state; while in Italy the normal immunity of the national parliament applies (definitely milder). However, if they did a similar can-can for Salis, imagine if the editorialists and AVS will not ask for equal treatment for their fellow Northern League MEP. Free Salis, free Vannacci. Or does the presumption of innocence only apply if you are left-wing?

– You can say, or is it? body shamingwhich the hair exhibited of Carola Rackete is it a little pitiful? The best comment, as usual, comes from the web: the nickname Carola Moquette is perfect. But here we also need to make a little reflection. Nobody forces anyone to take care of their image, and the writer certainly cannot give lessons in style. But a minimum of demeanor is necessary. And it is above all the ostentation that is surprising. Many women, when they do not feel like it, avoid shaving. But normally they wear long trousers. Is it retrograde? No. A “stereotype imposed by the consumerist and fashionable society”, as some say? Not even. It is part of our Western culture, the result of a long journey towards the beautiful. Good old “common sense”.

Claiming not to be part of it will certainly be a political act, it is certainly legitimate. But we are entitled to criticize it. And to consider it opprobrious.

– Someone on social media is laughing: “She narrowly avoided prison!”, “If Lotito sees it, he’ll buy it.” Wonderful.

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