Brescia, Poliambulanza third in Lombardy for visits to the emergency room

Brescia. Presented at the headquarters in Via Bissolati, the balance of the activity carried out last year by the Poliavventura Foundation of Brescia.
In 2023 compared to 2022 hospitalized patients increased by 3% for a total of 30,739. The average age of patients is 53.6 years and those over eighty represent 16% of the total.
There are 2,734 children born in the birth centre, the 5th in the Lombardy Region, of which 19.7% through primary caesarean section (lower than the national average of 23%). In total, in 26 operating rooms, they were 20,550 surgical operations performed (+5% compared to 2022) for 26,031 hours of activity in the operating room. The patients operated on in vascular surgery amounted to 912 and 252 percutaneous aortic valve replacements (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation – “TAVI”) were recorded, confirming Poliambulanza among the top ten Italian hospitals for intervention volume.

In the orthopedic field, 1,180 prosthetic surgery interventions were recorded and 254 patients were assisted for motor rehabilitation. Outpatients were 459,915, of which 123,855 for laboratory analyses and 71,976 for radiology analyses. In total, outpatient services amount to over 2.1 million.
The patients who turned to the emergency room were 89,792 (+5% compared to 2022) making it the third emergency room at a regional level for a single facility.
Also during 2023, approximately 5,600 patients were hospitalized in general medicine and geriatrics units. There were 785 patients admitted to the neurology unit, of which 388 were in the Stroke Unit for ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.

As regards healthcare personnel i employees are 2,101 (22% doctors; 34% nurses/midwives and 19% OSS/auxiliaries). On the research and training front, 206 students attended the nursing degree course last year. In 2023, 137 experiments and 160 observational studies were active and in total 271 publications of scientific works in important international journals were recorded.

Among the various activities carried out, the Emergency Room is of particular importance. In particular, over 2,000 red codes and 19,000 yellow codes were recorded, with an average discharge time after triage of 5 hours. The percentage of admissions followed by hospitalization is 11%. A team of experienced professionals, interdisciplinary skills and cutting-edge technologies assist cancer patients.
In 2023 there were 1,880 oncological surgery operations; 774 radiotherapy cycles carried out, 9,926 hospitalizations and MAC cycles of medical oncology and 3,079 invasive carcinomas diagnosed. The latest data published by Agenas highlights that 393 patients from Brescia underwent surgery for malignant colon cancer; of these 80 were carried out at Poliassociazione (20% of the total). There is also excellent collaboration with ATS on the front of secondary oncological prevention activities. During 2023, the Digestive Endoscopy Service performed, as part of the screening promoted by the ATS of Brescia, 548 colonoscopies and 798 polypectomies. Poliambulanza also joined the breast cancer screening also promoted by the ATS of Brescia (for women aged 50 to 69) performing 6,205 mammograms.
There were 120 robotic radical prostatectomy procedures, performed using the most advanced techniques in oncological surgery, using the Da Vinci robotic system. The Poliambulance urology unit is one of the Italian centers awarded the Blue Stickers, assigned where a multi-professional and interdisciplinary approach to diagnostic and therapeutic pathways for people with prostate cancer is guaranteed.

«The numbers say that the economic value generated in 2023 by Poliassociazione is at its historical maximum, with over 220 million euros, which include services for 12.6 million euros, not reimbursed by the Regional Health Systemas it exceeds the budget allocated to the Brescia Hospital. Despite the provision of more services than those approved by the Region, even in Poliambulanza there are significant waiting lists. The resolution of the waiting time problem – explains the General Manager, Marcellino Valerio – requires a global approach at the territorial level and collaboration between the various providers with the Lombardy Region and the relevant Health Protection Agency».

«Poliambulanza – continues Valerio – was among the first accredited private facilities to join the Regional Single Booking Centre Project (CUP), despite this choice determining the significant review of some of our investments in the ICT field, essentially for two reasons: Poliambulanza is a highly attractive hospital that structurally generates long waiting lists in many specialties. Through a centralized system, it is possible to have a global view of the availability of appointments in different facilities, thus allowing resources to be allocated more efficiently. This helps reduce waiting times, assigning patients to the facilities with the greatest availability or the shortest waiting list. A single booking center facilitates the collection and analysis of data relating to waiting lists and appointments, allowing us to identify areas for improvement and intervene promptly to optimize processes».

«Our Hospital Institute, private non-profit, otherwise public, is driven, day after day, to confirm its original and ever-current mission, qualified, passionate, universalistic, innovative» – he specifies the President, Mario Taccolini. – 2023 was a year of great visibility for our city: with enthusiasm Fondazione Poliambulanza contributed to the program of Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture, presenting an exhibition entitled “Seven Acts of Medicine”, created specifically for the Brescia hospital by the artist Raul Gabriel, with the curatorship of Paolo Bolpagni” continues the president “the traditional discernment, as well as our traditional courage and our traditional tenacity demand from all of us, absolutely all of us, a greater assumption of responsibility, a further and convinced far-sighted commitment, a generous supplement of soul, to face, in the sign of hope and trust, the challenges that loom before us, indeed that already now question our present».

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