«The Municipality’s justifications on TARI are unacceptable»

«The Municipality’s justifications on TARI are unacceptable»
«The Municipality’s justifications on TARI are unacceptable»
“The municipal administration recently announced an increase in the TARI (Waste Tax) without any notice to the citizens. During a press conference the Mayor Tommaso Minervini attempted to justify this decision by attributing it to the ISTAT adjustment and the new index dictated by the ARERA The Mayor even stated that the citizens of Molfetta should be grateful for the fact that there have been no increases in the last seven years.”

“We find these justifications totally unacceptable. A good administrator should have implemented every possible strategy and industrial plan to optimize costs, instead of passing the buck to third parties. In 2022 we proposed a serious circular economy project to make waste management efficient in Molfetta. We made ourselves available, on several occasions, to contribute and implement the project, without any success”.

“If the skills expressed in the publicly visible curricula are representative of the quality of the current administration, we can only confirm our concern. The citizens of Molfetta deserve a transparent, competent administration which, seriously and with specific competence, works for the good common”.

“We ask for an immediate review of the TARI increase and a concrete plan to improve waste management in the city which instead leads to a reduction in the tax”.

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