Vicini Award The emotion of Antognoni

Vicini Award The emotion of Antognoni
Vicini Award The emotion of Antognoni

The reason why Panathlon Cesena is the largest club in the world with its over 200 members lies not only in the solid and imaginative management of the increasingly acclaimed president Dionigio Dionigi, but also in the brilliant organization of events that are never banal, very popular and successful. This is the case of Panathlongiochiamo which involves children from primary schools, or the Memorial Pantani, an important cycling event to remember the great champion, who was also a Panathlon member. The feather in the cap is becoming another initiative that sees the great champions of national football present in Cesenatico, in the magical setting of the Grand Hotel Da Vinci under the watchful eye of the hostess Paola Batani. The Azeglio Vicini Award has become an event that no one wants to miss, even on Thursday evening over 300 people attended the evening, including members and guests.

The Azeglio Vicini Award is in its seventh edition and it makes one proud to scroll through the roll of honor with the names of those who received it in memory of the figure of the former technical commissioner of the national team, former honorary president of Panathlon Cesena. Marco Tardelli began, followed by Fabio Capello, Paolo Maldini, Franco Baresi, Beppe Bergomi, Roberto Donadoni and finally, on Thursday evening, Giancarlo Antognoni. All important names on the national football scene, people who have made history, world champions and great coaches, all very close to Vicini, many of whom were coached by him. The evening, hosted by Giorgio Martino, was attended by figures from football and journalism such as Alberto Zaccheroni, who arrived by bicycle, Massimo Marianella and Lorenzo Minotti from Sky, the great Francesco Moser, world champion and hour record holder, with his partner Mara Mosole, also a cycling champion. Also present was the mayor of Cesenatico Matteo Gozzoli, very excited about the imminent arrival of the Tour de France which will start, in its first stage, from Giancarlo Antognoni’s Florence and then from Cesenatico. With him also Cristian Castorri, deputy mayor of Cesena and councilor for sport. The Vicini family is unmissable, represented by their son Gianluca who had the task of remembering the very close bond that existed between his father and Antognoni, born when the former Fiorentina was still playing in Serie D. The contribution of Massimo Marianella was touching. “I am a Fiorentina fan and as a child I wrote to Antognoni, my hero. Growing up I collaborated with a local radio station and I went for interviews in Coverciano, shy and awkward. It was Azeglio who hugged me, cheered me up and immediately agreed to the interview. Finally, the My teacher at the time was Giorgio Martino, whose television programs I followed to learn. So tonight is a melting pot of intense emotions for me.” The touching memory is that of the former Viola. “My story begins thanks to Azeglio, I was playing in Serie D and I was called up and called onto the pitch with my teammates from Serie A. He called me, Fiorentina noticed me and my career started from there. Thanks Azeglio. What will I do? ‘Italy at the European Championship? Let’s hope it goes ahead, in times of difficulty the Azzurri always find that something to move forward with. Whoever coaches the national team is penalized because there are now many foreigners in our championship and few Italian kids who can get involved

show how it happened to me”. During the evening, six other new members were introduced, Giorgio Babbini, Francesco Borgini, Francesco D’Avossa, Sergio Ferrarini, Enrico Rossi and Simone Pracucci.

Daniele Zandoli

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