The “Digital Rof” has also arrived. The Festival becomes virtual reality

The “Digital Rof” has also arrived. The Festival becomes virtual reality
The “Digital Rof” has also arrived. The Festival becomes virtual reality

The “Rof Digitale” was presented, conceived by the Rossini Opera Festival on the occasion of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024 in collaboration with the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti, based on the common desire to strengthen the cultural and musical vocation of the city combined with technological innovation.

The meeting was introduced by Maria Laura Maggiulli, director of the Technological Innovation and Digital Transition Service of the Municipality of Pesaro: “The aim of the project is to enjoy the world of musical production with the most modern emerging technologies, immersing the spectator in the environments of Gioachino Rossini with engaging and exciting methods capable of reaching a large audience, especially young people, making them curious and approaching the world of Rossini”.

Cristian Della Chiara, general manager of Rof, was given the task of presenting Rof Digitale: “On the occasion of the online release of our new website, created by Simbiosi, we wanted to present our new communication project that is aimed not only at the public of enthusiasts, but at an even wider audience. With our partners, we have created high-tech multimedia products that will be available online and also at the viewing points that we will create in the theatrical locations of the 2024 Festival and in the locations of the Salons Rossini, musical evenings held in some historic villages of the hinterland”.

Then Luca Cinti, manager of Sinergia explained: “Also with the collaboration of the startup Deep Reality, starting from experiences in vision systems and artificial intelligence in the industry area, we have put our skills in the field of virtual reality and immersive experiences into play, building a system from which you can experience concerts from the balcony of Rossini’s house through virtual reality viewers”.

Then Luca Modugno, digital in Rainbow presented Dreaming Rossini: “It is a virtual, surreal and dreamlike story, seen through the eyes of the Thieving Magpie. The spectator, in the guise of a magpie, will be able to immerse himself completely in the environment and in Rossini’s musical production, discovering the works and places of the composer from Pesaro with engaging and innovative methods”.

The vice mayor Daniele Vimini, president of the Rof, concluded: “Rof Digitale brings together some excellences, public and private, which within the Cte ​​have created a collaboration from which a new project was born that marries culture and technology. I find all of this an example of the enormous contribution that collective experiences such as that of the Cte ​​can bring to our city in terms of growth at all levels”.

Luigi Diotalevi

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